As we enter March next week we hope for further confirmation and detail form the First Minister next Tuesday around the community infection / transmission rate lowering, vaccination rates increasing and the planned steps to return laid out in greater detail.

Well done again this week to the ongoing learning that has taken place at home and in essential ‘small number’ cases, in our specialist practical areas of the school.

Practical work / Testing

Thanks to the our young adults, staff involved and the many who have contributed behind the scenes to this work, we have had small numbers in who need to be, they have handed in their consent forms and they are completing their test kits which are logged as per Govt protocol. The plan for next week has been issued by Mr Stewart and has been emailed to S4,5,6 Pupils and Families. As ever link in with your Teacher on Teams.

Head Teacher Equalities / Advisory Group

We meet several times a year and discuss key themes linked to Eco work, Anti Bullying, Amnesty International, LGBTQ, Black History Month and any opportunities we can work on to raise awareness and keep people informed of updates.

We met this week online and had another positive session where we discussed our plans to refresh our Anti Bullying and Equalities policy. We have School information including our current policy here .

Purple Friday – Pass the torch!

We created a video here with staff carrying the culture of pass the torch!….well done to all involved as this work clearly links to our values of Respect, Diversity, Honesty and Fairness.

Further to pass the torch, we held an LGBTQ panel discussion yesterday afternoon with influential guests. This was arranged by our young people and Mr Stewart and was an interesting and informative discussion that can be viewed here .

Report dates

Ms Watson and Mr Taylor (Maths Teacher) have been working to find reporting solutions as this is a challenge we have faced linked to Covid. We have made good progress and Parents have been emailed with dates where we hope to issue reports, though we have not had access to all our normal reporting features, we hope the feedback we can provide in the report will help trigger positive discussions with Families where needed. As ever, email if you have any questions. Dates below that were emailed, as a reminder;

S4-6 Track Reports – Emailed to families: w/b 8th March

S3 Track Reports – Emailed to families: w/b 22nd March

S3 onwards into Senior Phase Parent Info Eve

We held our information evening for Parents last night. This has relevant info on the course choice process for S3 into S4, S4 into S5 and S5 into S6. The video can be found on our website here

Have a good weekend as we hope for further progress and details of return next week.

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