You will have seen from Sunday’s update there have been some developments in certain areas;

  • SQA and coursework. Nicola Sturgeon, First Minister spoke plainly that pupils are not to be in schools to complete SQA coursework. Schools have been shut for medical reasons in preventing disease spread, especially to those at greater risk. SQA are in conference meetings to discuss the details going forward which I will share when I have them
  • We will need our critical front line NHS staff in hospitals. Over the weekend our NHS staff continue to ready themselves for an increase in patient numbers needing support. To that end we (School staff) have been sent a survey to establish any staff across Edinburgh that can volunteer. This is for those colleagues who are fit / well and have no children / family care they must administer themselves. Once the City have scanned the workforce plans will emerge
  • Keep your support / challenge for your child proportionate. This is not a normal school week. If and when they are in ‘work mode’ from home; encourage them to take regular breaks from screen and keep demands (on themselves) reasonable. People are really pulling together which is great but there will be high emotion and fragility out there…..let’s all keep this in mind as we enter this ‘marathon not sprint’

Finally, please continue to follow (even more so now) the advice and stay at home / close to home as much as possible. These are unprecedented times we are in.

As ever, if any updates come through I will let you know.

M. Irving

Head Teacher

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