It has been a short but positive week back for all our staff, pupils and partners.

The youngsters have looked very smart in their Leith uniform and the new Leith Black Hoodies have been very popular. These can be ordered using the form below.

Key points;

School Photos – Our annual School photo for S1,4 and 6 is on Tuesday. See email to families from School.

Mobile phone policy – Scottish Govt has released details of mobile phone guidance to support schools and learners. We apply a proportionate and sensible approach to mobiles in that they should not be visible unless the Teacher asks. If a youngster is consistently struggling with this, we will work with families to put steps in place to support. The document can be found here Guidance on Mobile Phones in Scotland’s Schools (

Uniform – As mentioned above uniform has been good and the young people have looked smart and ready to learn. Our items are;

White shirt

Leith tie – we are currently sold out but new ones are ordered

Leith Hoodie or plain black jumper

Black trousers / skirt

Black footwear

If you need support speak to your child’s House Head or email

Vaping policy – This can be found on our website here Equalities, Anti-bullying & Mental Health Policy & Vaping policy – (

Week 1 done. Have a nice weekend as get set for our first full week next week.

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