Another busy week with many points of interest, success, achievement and information to share below;
–New Timetable – we have taken the first steps into our new timetable, thank you for the work in settling this in and to the work of Mr Stewart and our team in the Office keeping on top of the entries and changes.
-We’ve had a big week this week with…..
–New timetable and the S6 induction, the P7 / S6 marketplace was a great event to help the P7’s settle and help the S6 develop their role modelling. See photo below….

Sports Personality of the Year – went really well and a great night of celebration. Luke Gardener got the top prize (great picture below). See some fantastic pictures and videos on our Twitter feed @leithacademy

Sports Day today – It is great having our Sports Day back and our performances are ongoing, the final staff race is always a highlight as is the excitement and performance of our young athletes. Well done to all.
…..and next week
Transition – On Monday eve we welcome P7 Parents in for their introductory meeting. Then we have the young new S1’s at Leith for T,W,Th where the P7’s will follow (broadly) their S1 timetable – see updates from Ms Watson and Mr Fox as we look to welcome them.
Be Prepared / Uniform – We have had a high number of Families keen to donate shirts / trousers / ties to help with young people / families arriving at work (School) ready and prepared to learn. See the message below from Alison Fair, our Depute Head Teacher for Inclusion;
School Uniform Collection / Donation
The time has come when we start to think about preparing for the new school year in August. An essential part of that is new school uniform. Given the recent rise in the cost of living and thinking about our impact on the environment we are organising a collection of any unwanted school uniform. We are looking to collect good clean clothing that could be redistributed throughout the school community. We would happily accept donations of the following:
- Shirts, Ties, Prefect Blazers, Black Trousers, Black Jumpers and PE Kit
We have set up a donation point at the main entrance of the School (walk through front door and look left).
Careers – Our latest bulleting from our Careers advisor Maya can be found below. If Families or youngsters have any questions linked to careers / next steps please get in touch via and Maya will support.
Edinburgh International Festival – Leith Academy is a Festival venue this summer. Grid Iron Theatre Company are using the School to produce ‘Muster Station Leith’. Families can get tickets to the show following the information below from Amy at the EIF….
Hello Families of Leith Academy,
On behalf of the Edinburgh International Festival, I am writing with a very special ticket offer for you!
As you may know, Edinburgh International Festival has been working in Leith Academy since early 2019. To celebrate the conclusion of our partnership, the school will become a Festival venue this August!
Muster Station: Leith is a new, immersive performance from Grid Iron, exploring themes of crisis, community, and perseverance, while journeying through spaces in the school. Pupils from Leith Academy will be working Front of House during the performances as well as producing a part of the design used in the final scene.
We want to invite you, the pupils and families of Leith Academy, to this performance and to be part of this very special moment at the school. If you would like to apply for two tickets to see Muster Station: Leith, please fill in this form by 5pm on Thursday 23 June.
We can’t wait to welcome you to the International Festival in Leith Academy!
Best Wishes – Amy Firth
Learning and Engagement Manager (Interim)
ALSO…..Lights Camera Action! – Some of our youngsters were involved in a film across Edinburgh linked to the New Edinburgh Concert Hall Project – well done to…..
Shlok Godiyal, Morgan Brown, Priya Mattu, Ruby Bernard and Nina Barnett!
The link to the fantastic video is here…. Let’s build Edinburgh a new concert hall | Impact Scotland
Sustainability – Thanks to support from our Parent Council, staff and pupils – we have made a start on some of our courtyard areas. The space became an important part of our outdoor plan during Covid as a positive outdoor space. See the team working on the landscaping project. Well done to Emma and Celeste helping Mr Miller and Ms MacCallum!

Breakfast Café – This begins again on Monday, which is great news. Free to all children and a positive way to start their day. See poster below / attached;
Very busy, very positive, very inspiring as we enter June. 3 weeks today the youngsters break for the summer, with School Show, Eve of Celebration, Transition and the S6 Prom (tonight) still to come.
Have a good weekend.