A great first week back as we begin 2024 with our youngsters getting back into the routine of coming in to what is a busy term in schools.
Some key points;
S2 into S3 – We had a full house on Thurs evening as we delivered an information session for Parents on the S2 choice process. The key is to have conversations / discussions with teachers, family, siblings and others to help our S2 make a plan for the next school year. The presentation is on our website here Pupil Choice Sheets / Info – (leithacademy.uk) . Any question please email Admin@Leith.edin.sch.uk for support.
S2 Parents Eve – This is next Wednesday and is online. Families have been emailed relevant details to book appointment slots with staff. If you have any questions please email us on Admin@leith.edin.sch.uk .
S4,5,6 Track Report 2 – Following our assessments before the Christmas break, staff have now marked and are finalising reports to help give a further update to youngsters and Families on progress. The reports will be important in supporting conversations and plans over the next several weeks. Issue to Families is due week commencing 22nd Jan.
Parent Council – Our next Parent Council meeting is on Jan 25th and will on Teams / online, given the time of year / weather. Our PC Chairs will send out details / invites in due course, as ever it is great to have as wide a representation as possible to continue our work together to help our young people of Leith.
Uniform / School dress – Thank you for the joint work in this area between home and school. Youngsters arrived in Leith uniform looking ready to learn / work. We can support with items as needed….we have;
-white shirts, black trousers, black jumpers, some outdoor jackets and other items to help.

Have a nice weekend from all at Leith.