As we enter the final week of School for 2024 some key points below for Families.
We finish at 12 midday on Friday from South Leith Parish Church, where Leith Academy was formed in 1560, a wonderful history to have.
Leith helping Leith – Last Friday our Leith giveaway to support Families was a huge success ata time that can be challenging and overwhelming. Please see a note from the leader of this work Rona Sutherland one of our English Teachers…..
Thank you out to the whole Leith Team in next week’s bulletin to the parents. The generosity of our staff, our parents, the kids and local businesses was incredible. Some of the feedback I got was that families were blown away by the generosity. They couldn’t believe we could give all that away and, at that point, I reminded them that it was the community of Leith, supporting the community of Leith. The families that came enjoyed home-made soup, bread and pastries donated by the continuously supportive Twelve Triangles. They were also treated to coffee donated by Artisan roast and cakes made by our own pupils.
In addition, Argonaut Books donated a box of kid’s books, Poundland offered support, collecting selection packs in store for us to give away, and even the bags donated by Scotmid were invaluable in helping people get the items they needed home. All in all, an excellent example of how fantastic and generous Leith folk are. All the people mentioned should be proud.

Swimming gala – We held our annual Inter House Gala this week with great participation across the year groups. Well done to all who earned points for their House and to Mr Moffat in PE for organising.
1st Barton, 2nd Cowan, 3rd Anderson and 4th Port
Further House points are available next week with our Christmas card competition in Modern Languages, our Business of Christmas quiz and our Key Adult door décor!
Merry Christmas – A lovely design from young Inana has been sent across the City to all our Families, to all Head Teachers, Chief Exec, Senior colleagues and our many Partners.
Fae Leith Navidad!
Next week – As we head into the final week it is busy with fantastic events and opportunities for our pupils;
- Monday – is our Christmas lunch at the café, see the details below
- Mon-Thurs – Christmas candy canes with notes are on sale, for £1 or £1.50 with note
- Tuesday – wear a Christmas jumper / item. This is non compulsory and a voluntary £1 donation can be made to support our S6 fund raise team
- Wednesday eve – our Christmas Concert!
- Thursday – Our Youth Philanthropy Initiative S3 Final where young people try to win £3000 for their chosen charity that helps communities Home | YPI
- Friday – We finish from South Leith Parish Church at midday. This is a historic and important event as this is where Leith Academy was formed in 1560. All pupils should be in good unform as we reflect on the upcoming holiday from differing perspectives.
Follow up flu vaccs – Due to Prelims taking place recently, being unable to use the Tannoy affected the running of vaccination day and many pupils were not seen. An extra session will be held again this Monday (16th) for the pupils who did not receive their vaccine nasal spray on the 5th.
S2 Careers Fayre – Leith Academy are helping their S2s prepare for the world of work on Thursday 9th January. They will be ‘speed-networking’ their way round the hall chatting to various organisations and hearing about different jobs and career pathways. This will support them with their upcoming subject choices.
If you or your organisation would like to attend and support our young people by talking to them about the work you do then please email me at
It’s on Thursday 9th January from 1.22pm – 3.16pm.
S4,5,6 Careers event Holy Rood HS – See details of an event involving our local Schools, there will be many interesting areas of work present to help young people consider options into their next steps.
Have a great weekend as we enter the final week next week.