An extremely busy week not only in School but across our wider work in the community helping young adults develop their skills, qualities and attributes in the outside world whether that be in leading, performing, helping others or planning events. Super work from all involved.
Some key points;
Catering final week – Due to electrical works planned by Edinburgh Council, the kitchen will provide cold food for the last few days of term. See attached letter for further info.
Parent Council support for Prom – The S6 School Prom is a great event but it can also present cost and affordability challenges for young people and their families. Thanks to the fantastic support from our Parent Council, along with Parent and Pupil help we have applied for and secured a grant payment from Edinburgh Council. This grant will significantly offset the cost per head and will make a huge different to our S6 as they enjoy their end of year event. Thank you to all who helped apply and pursue this grant to help our young adults.
Parent Council community support link – There is some ongoing consultation across our community about maximising the use of some public spaces. See the following link for recent information of how you can contribute –
Art recognition – One of our artists, Alice McGuire received some fantastic feedback from a piece of work they did from the Royal Scottish Academy School of Arts. See below from Ms Thomson in Art…
Alice McGuire’s painting of Blue Jays placed around Brutalist architecture was beautiful. I entered her work along with a number of other students creations into the Royal Scottish Academy’s art competition. The organisers applauded her efforts and she got a letter explaining that her work was highly commended. Well done Alice.
Formula 1 Leith Grand Prix – We held an excellent event with our feeder P6 learners this week on the themes of engineering, p[physics, teamwork and problem solving. Our future F1 Teams seem in good hands!

Rockers on Tour – A few of our pupils were out of school this week to go on a tour of the Highlands with the Edinburgh Schools Rock ensemble. Thanks to everyone for your support with this, the kids had an absolute blast. Here’s a wee photo and a video if you fancy starting your weekend with a bit of music! (Norah and Ace on vox, Sam Foggo on drums, Smith on guitar, Nicole on Keys and Kenya and Isaac on percussion). Link ESRE.MOV

Equalities speakers – The City of Edinburgh held the annual conference for young people at the City Chambers. Some of our equalities ambassadors attended the event and two of our pupils were asked to address the audience with speeches, well done to all as we continue to work every day to improve our outcomes in this important area of work.

Wizard of Oz – We will have more of an update next week when the finale is complete tonight, but so far it has been an amazing show demonstrating the huge talents of our young actors, directors, stage helps, prop creators and more! Hope tonight goes well!

London trip – Our youngsters had a great trip to London to experience China town and other aspects linked to their mandarin work in School. A great experience for all involved and thank you to Ms Du and others who helped make it happen.

Sports Day – We held our inaugural Meadowbank stadium sports day on Monday. It stayed dry and the athletes did very well. We are reviewing the event to plan for 24/25. Well done to the many that took part and gained House points!

Sports Leaders – Our young sports leaders have been a superb help recently as they have been coaching, planning, leading and developing athletes of the future at our Primary Schools Sports Days and also at Prospect Bank School. PE Teachers of the future perhaps. Well done to all for this great contribution to younger people.

All we have to say now is come on Scotland! as the Euros 2024 kick off later tonight.
Have a good weekend from all at Leith Academy as we enter the final 2 weeks.