Welcome back as we enter the Summer term 2024. This is a term of final preparations for our senior learners and the beginning of preparations for our new P7’s coming into S1. In between all of this is the new timetable and a period of time where we reflect on the 23/24 school year and think forward to the next 24/25 school year as we look to support all young people from Leith and our wider community.
Key points;
Easter Revision – We had well over 200 learners attending our free sessions put on by our staff teams to support final preparations towards the National assessments due to start next week. As we enter the final few days before exam leave, there is still good time (both over the next few school days and during ‘study’ leave) for high quality revision and preparation prior to the assessment dates for each subject.
Ms Watson has sent a letter to all S4,5,6 Families explaining the Council’s policy on assessment leave. As a reminder, exam leave for S4 and S5 begins at 3.16pm on Thursday.
Exam Leave for S6 begins at 11am on Friday following a ‘Coffee Morning’ put on by the school to wish them well in their next chapter after their assessments are complete.
Uniform – Please be clear about our expectations around S1-6 uniform which we keep simple for our learners / families to understand. For the purpose of security – any S4,5,6 learner not in our School uniform will not be able to enter the hall and sit their National Assessment. It is important to maintain these high standards for what is an important event;
-Leith tie
-White Shirt
-Black trousers
-Plain black jumper if needed
-Black footwear
Sustainability – We had an interactive performance shown to S1’s on the last week of term. It was a fantastic session full of engaging content on a very serious and real time topic. Well done to Ms WIlkinson and others who helped pull this together; our S1’s were engaged throughout.
Sports Personality of the Year SPOTY at Leith – Once again this was a fantastic evening led by Ms Grant and others supporting Sport at Leith. Presentations and MC slots from our young athletes alongside some great winners against some very strong competition. Well done to Rosie and Ming who took the top awards of the evening.
P7 into S1 Transition – We continue to put in place a program that supports our new S1’s make their move into Secondary School. See a link with updates which has been pulled together by Ms Jess Chapman, our Transition Teacher at Leith Academy. Link https://sway.cloud.microsoft/AK5pHewBW9myX0XG?ref=Link&loc=play
City Wide Sports Ambassadors – At Leith we have City wide Sports Ambassadors who do great work supporting young people in sport across Edinburgh. Well done to Megan Shaw, Skye Duncan, Pheobe Griggs, Patryk Les and Solomon Turner who supported a City wide Swim Gala at the commonwealth pool.

Once again, welcome back as we enter the final term of the School year.