Prelim assessment window 1 – Our prelim timetable has been issued to S4,5,6 and has been sent to Families to support along with the assembly presentation. Any pupils with coincident prelims should speak to Miss Watson asap.
Parents’ Eve S4,5,6 – We had a positive evening with a great turn out for our Cowan / Port Parents’ Evening session, this was a great opportunity to link with families and share what is going well and the areas to focus on with prelims round the corner.
Football Success- A superb achievement on an international stage from Finlay Drever as Scotland won the Nordic Cup in Sweden, with a final score of Scotland 4 (double for Finlay)- Iceland 1. Finlay also received ‘Coaches Player’ award for this Tournament! Well done Finlay!
F1 in Schools – Once again we have had some great success in the competition last Friday with three teams competing this year. Leith Bolts, Leith Lightening and Team Vortex all won rounds and Leith Bolts and Team Vortex have made it through to the National Finals.

Have a good weekend.