With 2 weeks till the October half term we are continuing to work hard to provide a balance of a happy, supportive learning environment alongside a safe and secure space in terms of infection control. The later depends heavily on our individual actions and I thank our Pupils and Staff for their continued efforts here.

Some updates and key points for this week;

October half term

We are aware of various discussion and theories around the country in different communities. As it stands today I have no knowledge of any plans other than what is already in place; 1 week October half term as ‘normal’. If this changes via ScotGov or Local Authority I will keep you updated.

Parents’ Evenings in the future

We are continuing to make progress with plans to provide ‘some form’ of Parents’ eve for our Families. We are learning about possible new systems online and are learning from Schools who have taken this pilot step next week. We will keep you updated with developments as we approach our S1 settling in Parents’ Eve.


Our S1 and S2 1st Tracking reports are completed, printed and will be handed out over the coming days. Look out for them in bags! We hope these are helpful to families in providing a form of feedback and update on how our youngsters are settling in following our return after lockdown. If you have any questions contact your child’s House Head using the email address Admin@Leith.edin.sch.uk .

Black History Month

Across the school and our community of Leith we will be learning and celebrating through many activities linked to BLM. Two of our four values at Leith Academy are Respect and Diversity and we work hard to ‘live and breathe’ these values day in day out. Our twitter feed has many updates and links @leithacademy .

Language Ambassadors

Also linked to our celebration of our value Diversity is the number and range of countries and languages we have represented across Leith and subsequently across our School. With over 50 countries represented we were delighted when our Language Ambassadors created a video to share with our Pupil community which you can see here https://clickv.ie/w/nV7o .

The sun is shining on Leith today – have a nice weekend.

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