Another busy week in Leith with some key points below;
S2 Parents Eve – The feedback from the online evening was that broadly speaking connectivity was a more positive experience for most. If you were unable to speak with staff about progress and next steps, please email us at and we will direct your email to the best colleague who can help.
The deadline for the S2 into S3 course choice form is today! Fri 20th Jan 2023.
Big Leith Give Away – See our poster advertising our Family support event in partnership with local community businesses. Share with friends and families.
Planned Industrial Action – As per the letter from the Council sent earlier this week, Wednesday will be a strike day for Schools in Edinburgh (a different area of Scotland each day). Leith Academy will be;
-closed to all pupils
-pupils should check their Teams pages and emails for some online learning provided by non striking colleagues
-all open as normal on Thursday
We continue to remain hopeful that a Govt / Union solution is found as soon as possible.
Please see below a further message from the Council to support Families;
Industrial Action: Parent and Carers Consultation – You are invited to an online meeting from 6.30-7.30pm on Wednesday 1 February 2023 to;
- share your views on ‘lost pupil learning’
- discuss solutions and support for parents
- how these can be communicated with all parents and carers
Please contact the Parental Engagement email account to book a space or if you are unable to attend the meeting please send you views to marked with for the attention of Marie Lyon.
Sips and Snacks – Today our enterprise skills café launched with their first full service. Lattes, flat whites, americanos and hot chocolates were flying off the shelves. Skills of budget, profit / loss, procurement, branding, customer service……and many more feature in this curriculum work! Well done to the youngsters and staff involved in this exciting pathway in learning.

Have a good weekend from all at Leith Academy.