Some key points and updates for Families;

Duke of Edinburgh – Mr Miller & Miss Kelman would like to welcome applicants to apply for Duke of Edinburgh Bronze 2024-25.  This is open to all S4 pupils – however there are only 30 spaces available. Should over 30 pupils apply then the Personal Statement in the MS Forms will be used to shortlist candidates.

Please scan the QR code/follow link:

The closing date for this will  be the 27th September 2024.

Rights Respecting Schools – Following an accreditation visit this week, we have achieved our Silver RRS Award following on from last year when we gained our Bronze. This reflects the work we do every day through our actions and support for young people linked to our vision, values and aims at Leith, outlined below. Thank you to Mr Connor and all staff, parents and partners who contributed to this.

S1 Settling in Parents’ Eve – Further details will follow from Mr Stewart in due course linked to timings. On the 10th Oct we welcome S1 Parents to speak with their child’s Key Adult on how they are settling in. We had a very positive S1 Assembly this morning with all looking ready to learn and achieve their best.

S1 and S2 Reports – We are in the process of completing our tracking reports for S1 and S2 that go to all Families. These are being cross checked by our Heads of Dept and will then be sent to Families. Ms Watson will be in touch in due course.

S4,5,6 Parent info evening on ‘How to pass your National Qualifications’ – This is always a busy and useful evening for Parents and Pupils of S4,5,6 as we provide support and tips on how to work your way through the assessment years of S4,5,6. We begin at 6.30pm in the Drama theatre. Any further details will be emailed direct to Families by Ms Watson.

Additional Support Needs Swim support – Please see info below on swim sessions available to support youngster with ASN needs from Ms Taylor, Head of Support for Learning;

ASN High School Swim – S1-6 – Wednesday – 3:20 – 4:00pm

Starts this Wed  25th Sep

Other dates

2nd, 9th, 23rd, 30th Oct

6th, 13th, 20th, 27th Nov

4th, 11th Dec

Venue –  Leith Academy Swimming Pool

Chess fever – Our new resident chess board is proving extremely popular. If you want to work your mind, relax, improve strategy or simply learn how to play – head to the library and watch or play on the chequered board. We also have our weekly Chess club in Maths, speak to Mr Williams if interested.

BBC Debate night – Debate Night with Stephen Jardine returned on Wednesday and Higher Modern Studies pupils were fortunate to get the opportunity to attend.  The panelists included Deputy First Minister Kate Forbes, former First Minister Alex Salmond, Jackie Baillie and Jackson Carlaw.    Questions focussed on Indyref 10 years on, Glasgow’s hosting of the 2026 Commonweath Games,  Labour’s decision to withdraw the winter fuel payment from pensioners and the closure of Grangemouth refinery.    There was much political point-scoring as the audience challenged the panelists – lots to discuss in Modern Studies next week! Ms Steele, Head of Modern Studies

Game Set Match! – Well done to our young Arthur in S1 competing Nationally in Tennis last week. The competition was held near Liverpool with Arthur representing East of Scotland U12’s. The team…

  • Beat Essex 
  • Then they beat Leicestershire 
  • Then they beat Cheshire in the final!

They have now progressed to the UK / GB County Championships in Nottingham. Well done to Arthur and his team mates! Great commitment and dedication.

Hoping you have a good weekend.

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