As we head into the final week of exams we begin to prepare for the new timetable as S1 become S2, S2 become S3 and so on. Our S3’s enter the Senior Phase of the School as part of our S4,5,6 Adult learners. It’s an exciting time and June is an important month to capitalise on early learning as the new courses begin and new relationships are formed with staff and youngsters.
Key points:
Anne Frank exhibition – Our work over the past few weeks has involved our own S2 leadership / guide group and we have also had our Primary schools up for a tour. Important themes very well delivered by our guides. Thank you to all who have supported this work.

New Timetable – As we finalise plans for our new timetable, we will keep our young Leithers informed of how / when and what to do in terms of getting their new timetables for School year 24/25.
S1 Parents’ Evening – We hope the Parents evening went well on Thursday with our S1 Families. The significant rain fall may have impacted travel to school so perhaps the online version worked well for us. If you were unable to speak with a colleague please email us at and Mr Stewart will direct this to the appropriate person to support.
WhatsApp update from Police Scotland – it is important for us all as Parents to monitor the use of device use with our children. There are increasing situations involving miss-use of mobiles / devices / messaging platforms that Police Scotland want to share info about to help Parents. See attachements.
We hope this is of use. Have a good weekend from all at Leith Academy.