Well done to all on another week. As we enter October next weeks, some key points below;
Flu vaccine – Thank you to all who made this ‘first’ a successful process. The pupils and staff handled the situation well. NHS have offered us a number if Parents would like to catch up a missed vaccination – 0131 446 4082.
Covid – We have been asked to share this info from Public Health
The COVID-19 vaccination bus will be at the following locations next week:
Edinburgh College (Milton road) on Monday 27th Sept (11am-7pm)
Edinburgh College (Granton) on Tuesday 28th and Wednesday 29th Sept (11am-7pm)
There is also the vaccinations for 12-15 year olds this weekend (Saturday 25th and Sunday 26th Sept) at Fort Kinnaird, New Craighall.
Reports – Our Track 1 reports will be coming to Families by email this coming week for S1,2 and S4,5,6. Use these to have positive support conversations at home and if needs be, trigger a conversation at school. You can use our Admin@leith.edin.sch.uk to make contact and we will direct to the best Teams to help.
Head Pupil Team 2021/22 – following a process of rigour with a number of skill sets covered. The Team for 21/22 are
Head pupils – Sachkeerit Kaur and Emily Combe
Depute Head pupils – Amanda Bowman and Eve Boyd

Click View / SLF – We were beamed across the country at the Scottish Learning festival for our work with click view linking Learning Teaching Assessment to tech in a fun / engaging way. Well done to Ms Sievwright, Mrs Gooch and Ms Watson, (plus pupils) who were filmed. We will share the clip when we have it.
Holiday date change – There is a change for schools/educ establishments holidays. It is the Victoria Day public holiday, Monday 23 May, being swapped out for Thursday 2 June, with an added day of Friday 3rd June 2022.
So instead of Monday 23rd June holiday, we will now have a Thur 2 and Fri 3 June holiday. Monday 23rd will be a normal day. We hope this helps planning.
European day of languages is on Sunday and we will have activities through the weeks, our last count was 57 countries across our school, this is well linked to the international study we are involved in around how we support pupils from different countries.
Maths Week – We have 3 x 5 working days till the Oct half term – yes it’s Maths / numeracy week next week, activities will be coming from the Maths Team through the week to help discussions at school / home.
Have a great weekend.