It’s been a busy first week back with some great moments across the week and our new S1’s getting more familiar with their day to day work. As ever in busy Secondary Schools, there were some challenges and obstacles to overcome! It was positive to work with young people and their families to support as we settle into the new School year.
New Term, new lessons – As we enter our new year it’s important to share our basic messages and expectations we share with young people to help them do the basics well. At Leith we call this the WAY TO BE.
Be here – having good attendance is probably the most important thing we can work on together. If you’re not in school you can’t learn.
Be calm – it can be hard for young people to regulate their emotions, but it’s also important to be able to do so, especially as we get older. Work done at home can support this message as we role model to our children.
Be respectful – this is important in all parts of life; school, socially, at our work. We do this by listening to each other and being mindful of feelings, emotions, backgrounds and views. Leith has a fantastic diversity, one which we must all try to respect.
Be prepared – have the uniform sorted, the bag packed, the iPad charged. All these things help the lessons go well and learning will follow.
Parents / Families play the largest part in our children and their development as young adults. Take some time to talk over our WAY TO BE and how it can be a positive support for learning.

After School Clubs – Every year we offer a wide and interesting range of clubs thanks to staff interest and support. We are currently pulling these together, sporting and non sporting. To share via our channels soon.
Parent Council Meeting – As we enter another busy, hectic year, we receive great support from our Parent Council, the first meeting is on Thursday at 7pm in our staff room (enter building by the side door). If you want to be part of the PC you can email .
Pupil vaccinations – We work with Public Health Scotland and NHS to support national roll outs of vaccines. See letter below for Parents;
Breakfast Club – See our offer below;
Do you shop in Tesco? – Want to help our school provide Breakfast to those who need it? Then start picking up those blue tokens each time you shop and vote for us!
We have until the 30th September to get as many votes as we can to win the grand prize.

Hope you have nice weekend from all at Leith Academy.