Welcome back to all from the Feb half term as we enter a busy period approaching Easter / Spring.
Key points;
Covid changes – Scottish Govt have announced changes to begin next week;
- Face coverings are to be worn in corridors and communal areas, they are no longer required during lessons. Youngsters can still wear a covering in class if they prefer
- Assemblies are now able to resume, this will help us share successes and key messages across our House Teams, which is a positive
- Hand hygiene, wipe downs of desks and testing x2 per week should still be in place to help reduce transmission
- Adult to Adult distance is still in place, and should remain at least 1m where possible, 2m if able
LIVE AND LEARN REVISION SESSIONS S4 AND S5 – We are offering our successful program of revision tips and techniques as an opt in to all S4 and S5 pupils next week in a 2hr session (S4 had an input in Nov, this is a follow up with new advice). The Live N Learn Form to sign up can be found here https://forms.office.com/r/2nrG2y806x this was emailed out to all S4 and S5 pupils on Monday to their school email accounts, Parents can also click this link to book a slot for their child. The deadline is 5pm on Sunday for sign-up, be fast as places are going!
S3 Track reports – These are being finalised and will be emailed home to Parents next week. This should trigger supportive discussions at home, involving School where required to help us all move in the same direction. Email your child’s House Head or Admin@Leith.edin.sch.uk if you have any questions. The S3 into S4 course choice / pathway is an important selection, so talking it over helps.
Easter Revision – There will be a program of revision sessions over the Easter to help young people in their final preparations before the assessments across Scotland for S4,5,6. Rachel Watson will keep all posted with details in the coming weeks. These sessions will be free to all young people.
Purple Friday – Great work led by Ben Stewart and our Equalities Ambassadors today as we celebrated Purple Friday through a sponsored walk across Leith links to help raise awareness. One day or event never marks these important themes as ‘done’, but they help keep the importance of Respect (one of our 4 values) in our minds at all times across School, work and wider society. Well done to all.

Have a good weekend from all at Leith.