As we enter June whilst coming to the end of the SQA assessment season next week, we look towards new timetables, new S1’s and new goals for the coming 23/24 year. Some key updates below;

S1 Parents’ Eve – We had a very positive evening with Parents in person for the S1 Parents’ eve. The feedback and atmosphere was very positive and productive as we shared feedback with families of how our young S1’s are progressing. Regarding next year, we will send a survey out again asking stakeholders if they would prefer Parents’ Evenings in person, online, or a combination of both. From there we will plan for 23/24.

23/24 Calendar – We are in the planning phase of the 23/24 Calendar of events, as per previous years we will collate a Parent Friendly version to help Families plan key dates and events across the School year. This will be available on our website throughout the year come August.

Parent coaching opportunity – Leith Academy is seeking a coach for the upcoming 23-24 season to support our S1/2 or S3/S4 Football teams. All administrative duties will be handled by Mr Moffat in the PE department. We simply need a willing and enthusiastic parent/guardian to coach the team on a match day. Games take place on a Saturday morning. We have a strong reputation over the years of providing a positive football program for our young players, if interested, please email Mr Moffat at .

Sports Day – We look forward to Sports Day on Wednesday 31st May with all Houses taking part to gain points towards the end of year House cup. Details will be given to participants early next week with photos to follow!

Hoping you all have a good weekend as we enter June for the final few weeks of term.

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