Some key points / updates for Families as we head into the May weekend;
EID Celebrations – Thank you to Ms Mansour and the youngsters involved who planned an delivered a food / henna experience on Monday lunch time. It was interesting and the young people were very passionate in their support.

NHS Job Opportunity session – There’s an NHS recruitment fair next Wed 3rd May at Old Dr. Bells Baths. Lots of entry level roles, including trades, admin, catering, as well as some medical ones. It could well be worth a trip down there with any pupils who are ready for work in these areas:
12.30-3.30pm Free, drop in. Speak to your House Head if you’re keen to go and we’ll get you coded correctly.
In Service 5 – There is a Staff In Service day next Tuesday, we look forward to seeing the youngsters of Leith on Wednesday, in appropriate School uniform ready to learn / work. If you need support please email or get in touch as we have new clothing for free to help.

Spring Fling 2023! – The music department’s annual Spring Fling concert will be running again this year for the first time since lockdown. It will take place on Thursday the 18th of May at 7:00pm in the Drama Theatre. Tickets for the event can be purchased via Parent Pay for £3. Come along and see your family and friends perform some great music!
It’s the May Day long weekend, hoping you enjoy Monday off – we’ll see staff on Tuesday and youngsters on Wednesday next week.