Next week we enter June, and we begin to enter a period of time where lockdown measures begin to ease within certain conditions. I hope you have some time with friends and family beyond your own and enjoy a Scottish Summer weekend. This week has continued to be heavily influenced by our work linked to the Scottish Qualifications Authority and planning for our new S1 pupils and for what School may look like going forward.

Some key points;

New Learning Online

Thank you for the work pupils and families are doing together at home in accessing and supporting learning. We are continuing to develop week by week the materials we are sharing online with pupils as they enter the early stages of their new school year / work. As mentioned before this is not meant to ‘replicate’ school, but it hopefully provides some work and school activities than can be balanced against the good weather and keeping active / emotionally well. There are some supporting links available such as .

To make it easier to navigate, we have created a ‘button’ on the home page labelled home learning / pupil online resources. We hope this helps.

Future Planning

There is a letter to Parents from the Council attached at the top of this post. We are working with Edinburgh Council to plan what a return to school may look like in the future. This will all have to be handled alongside the relevant health guidance in place at the time, such as social distancing and hand washing. There will be a blend of learning at school and learning at home. Clearly this is an extremely complicated plan to consider across the many factors linked to Pupils, Teachers, Parents, Work, Travel, Economic and other factors. As clarity emerges on what this may look like I will keep you updated.

P7 into S1

We have a dedicated page on our website to support the upload of information here . You will see we have added our video with some staff taking questions and providing answers, we hope our new P7 pupils find it useful and interesting. Ms Watson will keep Primary colleagues updated of developments as they happen.

S6 Prefects and Head Pupils

We are beginning the process which has been a historic feature at Leith Academy of asking for applications from our great S6 to note interest in taking on the role of Leith Academy Prefect. Like most application processes in life, this will involve considering and articulating your skills, qualities and abilities – we will then proceed with an interview process led by my Depute HT’s over the course of June. I look forward to seeing the notes of interest.

I hope you have a nice weekend,

Mike Irving

Head Teacher

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