We were pleased this week when some school lever data was released by Scottish Govt. Our youngsters continue to work hard to achieve their goals with our outcomes in Literacy, Numeracy and across subjects all being above our national comparator. We were also pleased to see youngsters moving successfully into a positive destination of work, training or learning which helps them take their first steps beyond Leith Academy. These outcomes only happen through the joined up support of School and Home, thank you for this work.
Some key points;
F1 National competition – Our Team Vortex entry, with the support of partners including The Proclaimers and Lamborghini competed in the Scottish Finals last week, and WON! They are now ‘gearing up’ for the Uk finals to try and win a place on the Euro / World Finals. A superb achievement linked to our work in STEM.

Live N Learn opt-in session – S4-6 pupils have been emailed with an opportunity to attend a session with Live N Learn looking at revision strategies, mindset and exam techniques in the run up to their final exams. We still have some places left for those interested. The link to sign-up has been sent to their school email.
Easter Revision sessions STRAW POLL – due Wed 8th March – Staff have very kindly offered a range of sessions to help pupils with exam technique in their subject areas along with the opportunity to revise with help on hand during the Easter break. These sessions are free to all S4-6 pupils sitting National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher qualifications. Each session runs either 9am-12pm or 1pm-4pm during Monday 3rd April – Thursday 6th April or Tuesday 11th April. The straw poll Form can be accessed via the link that has been emailed to all S4-6 pupils. This is to identify the number of pupils interested in the various subjects to establish which ones can run and then a timetable will be created and pupils will then be given the opportunity to sign-up for specific sessions. EVERY HOUR can make a difference so please sign up to this great offer of support!
Industrial Action – It appears the Scottish Govt and Local Councils have put forward a new offer for Unions to consider, this may result in future strike action being paused or cancelled. We will keep all updated as we hear more next week through the media.
Culture Day – Keep linked in with Mr Stewart’s emails through the week, this was a wonderful day last year as we look forward to our Culture Day 2023 next Friday.
Parents’ Eve – On Wednesday we have our S3 Parents’ evening, in person. We look forward to welcoming families and having productive discussions on what is going well and points to consider as our S3 enter a very important time as they move into the Senior phase S4-6.
Swim lessons for youngsters with Additional Support for Learning – please see a poster with information of this swim session.
Jobs and opportunities – See our latest Career Advisor update and information, especially useful to S6 or those considering leaving school in the Summer.
Have a good weekend from all at Leith Academy.