With exams underway we enter the holiday weekend. Please note Monday is a holiday, Tuesday is In Service for Staff only. On Tuesday there are also SQA exams / assessments, please check this carefully if your child is to be in School on Tuesday as per their SQA calendar.

Wednesday all children return to School in Leith Academy uniform, Mr Irving and the Senior Team is checking this at the front door on arrival to ensure we all arrive appropriately ready for work / learning.

Some key points;

National Crime Agency – See details sent to all HT’s linked to exploitation of children on mobile devices. Having appropriate awareness in our roles is important, as colleagues and as Parents.

NHS survey for Parents – Over the past months the NHS sponsored ‘Chat’ has been speaking to parents and carers about how we support our children to learn about relationships, their bodies, being safe online and issues like consent. We have now launched our national survey for parents and carers, located on our site https://thechat.scot This will be live until May 31st.

Hoping you have a nice long weekend from all at Leith Academy.

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