As we enter November with Fireworks weekend, it was another busy week at Leith with updates below;
Planned Industrial Action next Wednesday – As per previous communication / email sent to Families. S1-3 will switch to online learning activities from home, S4-6 will be in school with reduced support staffing in place, though risk assessed for safety and security. If things change we will update Families as soon as we know.
Dyslexia awareness week – This week badges were handed out by Mrs Carol Mordaunt, to show our support for helping all young people and colleagues who are dyslexic and who achieve great things through neuro-diversity. Link for more info is here Dyslexia Awareness Week 1 – 7 November | Dyslexia Scotland – Dyslexia Scotland .
S4-6 Parents Eve – We had a very positive evening with Anderson and Barton Parents last Wednesday with a great sign up and some very positive discussions about what is going well and what our Seniors need to think about going forward.
Our next round is for Cowan and Port Houses and will be on Thur 16th Nov as a date for your diary.
Scottish Select Squad – Some fantastic news coming into us this week, Finlay Drever in our S2 has been selected by Coerver Scotland to be part of their National squad. He has been selected from the 4200 players attending their programs across Scotland. They fly out to Sweden on Friday 10th November to take part in the Nordic Cup and we look forward to hearing further updates!
Live N Learn S4 – We had Jen from Live N Learn delivering a fantastic, engaging session to our S4 year group on study skills, planning your time and having a positive mindset / attitude to learning. Our S4’s worked really well and will hopefully take theses skills into their Assessment Window preparations in a few weeks. Web link is here Home | Live-N-Learn .
Inter House Netball – Once again this was a great success across S1 to S6 with great numbers, energy, engagement, and fun! Barton won the Netball comp – the overall year standings so far are….
1-Barton 2-Cowan 3-Anderson 4-Port……but points are tight between the Houses!

Tesco Grant Winners!! – Thank you for the fantastic support for our ‘green button’ award at Tesco stores in North Edinburgh. There were several great projects on the go, but we took the most votes and have secured £1500 to help us support breakfast clubs and helping children arrive in school fed and able to concentrate and work positively.
S2 Careers Fayre – see an update from Phil Dickson our Developing the Young Workforce colleague….
On 2nd November, we put on a careers fayre for the entire of our S2 cohort, and they took turns listening to and speaking to organisations in the main hall, and then listening to talks or doing activities in classrooms.
It’s a new event for us at the school to add additional support for our S2s who are about to make their first big subject choices. By allowing them to hear from lots of different career areas and learn about what subjects are important for those jobs, we hope that their minds will be focussed and they will have some great strategies to approach their decisions.
17 individuals and organisations generously gave up their time to do this, and we’d like to pass on a huge thanks to all who attended.
It was fantastic for all our visitors to have their drinks order taken at the door upon arrival by our Sips and Snacks team, and then a top-quality flat white, cappuccino, latte or tea was delivered straight to their table. This is a wonderful project within the school and good example of pupils gaining life skills during their time here.

Formula 1 in Schools update – Our F1 Teams….Team Vortex, Leith Lightning and Leith Bolts SMASHED their target of recycling the weight of a current F1 car (798kg) . With the massive help from the Leith Academy school community and especially the janitors we found 1599Kg of scrap metal to be processed by our sponsors William Waugh.
This is the equivalent weight of 2 F1 cars!!!
By popular demand the F1 teams will organise one more collection and we are going for the trifecta – we want to recycle the weight of 3 F1 cars.
If you have any broken metal items in your department, such as stools, chairs, filing cabinets, these can be collected, or if you have items from home that you could bring in – it will all help in our new target and also gain the teams sustainability points in the up coming F1 in schools competition.
Contact Zoe Marshall in CDT for more details about what items are suitable and when the collection will be, email is . Thanks!
S1 Halloween Party – Thanks to the planning, organisation and leadership of some of our S6 group who ran a wee gathering for the S1. Costumes were great and all had a nice time.

We hope you have a good weekend, if you are taking in some fireworks displays, follow the Police and Fire Safety guidance in order to stay safe and enjoy.