After a hectic term since Christmas, we head into the Easter break. For our younger years this is a moment to think of next steps as many begin to select subjects / pathways for the new school year. For our Seniors we know this holiday is one with assessments and doing well on young minds; please be sure to keep the balance right between study / revision and time with friends / family doing what you enjoy.
Some key points below;
Update from the Authority – See attached letter from Lorna French, Head of Schools.
SQA Exam Leave and Assessment letter – This is a reminder of the letter sent last week, you can check details in last week’s Head’s News on the website. Essentially we come back after the 2 week holiday and S4,5,6 go into their final week before the National Assessments begin.
Easter Revision Support – Final tweaks are being made to the plans and will be shared by Ms Watson via email to S4,5,6 individual email addresses. S4,5,6 should check their school email inboxes for details. Every hour helps and we hope this support is useful in the final preparations.
Parent Council – We come together for our next PC Meeting on the 26th April. Our PC Chairs will email out details in due course, as ever, all are welcome to come and support the work we do together for young people.
Careers bulletin – Our latest updates from our Careers advisory team can be found here. Of particular benefit to all S6 and those considering next steps in S4 and S5. As ever speak with Maya if you need help / support, contact details in attachment.
Rugby fever! – There post 6 Nation motivation in the air; a superb S3 tournament took place last week as well as a fantastic P7 event this week with lots of youngsters playing, enjoying and learning. Well done to all staff, pupils and partners who help make these events happen!

First Ministers questions – We got the late ‘nod’ on Wednesday that we were invited to the first FMQ’s for Humza Yousaf, see a well written reflection from Jasmine on what was a lively chamber, is below….
S1 Parliament Trip– Some fortunate S1s visited a historic event at Holyrood yesterday and witnessed the new First Minister’s first FMQs. Mr Yousaf, former Health and Justice Secretaries, has been accused of leaving the NHS with long queues in his role as former health secretary, the opposition parties asked lots of questions about this during FMQs and put him under a great deal of scrutiny.
While in Parliament, seven protestors disturbed the debate by protesting about climate change and the police had to escort them out. There was also 4 people escorted out for recording the protest inside parliament. The protesters left peacefully, though not quietly (which was quite entertaining!). At one point a protester pointed towards us and said that the Scottish government was sentencing us to death by not doing more about the climate issue. Mr Yousaf said “Thanks to the children for acting more appropriate than the adults”. Afterwards some of the MSPs came to answer our questions. They said the protesters were criticising the Scottish Government about matters which it couldn’t control as those powers belonged to the UK Parliament.
We really enjoyed the day and found it interesting to see how Parliament works, we felt privileged to be there on this important occasion.
Jasmine Taylor, S1

Staff v S6 Sports – We’ve had a great week of fun and activity with the S6 and many spectators. Volleyball, Football, Netball and Basketball all featured with the staff edging it this year! A great event in great spirits, thanks to the PE team and our S6’s for leading on this annual event.

Wishing all a good break and we look forward to seeing all youngsters….
-April 17th
-8.30am sharp
-in usual / simple school uniform (black trousers / skirt, white shirt, Leith tie and black footwear)
-as we enter the Summer term 2023!