Our Seniors have been working hard through week 1 of their assessment window 1 (pre Christmas). It will be important for them to take on board the feedback they get from their assessments to help them know what is going well and to plan next steps for the coming months.
Key points;
Leith helping Leith – Thanks to the fantastic work of Ms Sutherland and her team across our School and community we are preparing and putting on a Family / Community Christmas support giveaway today. This is upcycling, sustainable and a super support to Families at a time that is financially challenging. Thank you to all who have helped to make it a success and we hope our Families / Community benefit from the efforts made.
China Scholarship – We have a longstanding partner school relationship with Tianjin School. There is a nationally competitive process to secure a 1 year sponsored scholarship with the School where youngster live and learn in China for a year. We are delighted that Michelle Shek in our S6 has been selected. We wish Michele well on this great experience starting in Sept 2025.
Christmas Concert – As ever an amazing show is planned….get tickets fast!

Hong Kong Scotland Schools Improvement Partnership – We are working with a number of Schools across Edinburgh with a view to take up to 4 pupils from Leith Academy to Hong Kong in Oct 2025 as part of an educational experience trip. This group would leave a couple of days before the Oct holiday and return on the Tuesday of the holiday (up to 5 days in Hong Kong).
The cost would be approx. £1100 per traveller which would include flights, accommodation, food. Costs have been subsidised to get to this figure and further steps will be looked at to support if required.
We are in the early stages of planning and getting approval from the Council for such an international trip, but at this stage we are looking for expressions of interest. If you would like more information or are interested please to speak to Mr Irving in the first instance, before we break for Christmas.
Childline Concert – Some of our talented young musicians were playing at the Usher Hall on 28th Nov as part of the National Childline concert raising money for a great cause. Super work from all across our local Secondary Schools who all had representation.

As we enter the final two weeks, the sense of Christmas is upon us. Have a good weekend.