Another busy week and I give credit to all of our S4,5,6 youngsters sitting assessments. They have been a credit to themselves and I hope the feedback they now get with marks / next steps is useful as they plan for the New Year.
Some key points:
S3 Performance – Mr Irvine and Mrs Sharkey’s S3 Drama pupils successfully performed 3 Winter/Christmas shows to a full audience of local P1 children from our local primary schools . They performed 3 plays; The Nutcracker , Santa’s Stolen Christmas and Cinderella. The primary children joined in with singing and dancing too. There was so much fun had by everyone and the primary children had a great time.

S1’s at the Panto – The Drama Department took 45 S1 pupils to see Peter Pan at the Festival Theatre last night, we all had a had a magical time, dancing, singing, boo-ing and laughing! We even got a shout out from Grant Stott ! Another great adventure for Team Leith!
Ms Pereira, Head of Creative Arts

Christmas Concert – The music, the lighting, the tech is all in place. Performances are being finalised and rehearsed for our Christmas Show Leith 2023! Save the date 20th Dec 7pm curtain up….open from 6.30pm with a raffle and a Parent Council stall with refreshments.
S3 into Senior phase – Our S3 and Senior pupils now have a draft choice form, the choices made will help us plan the option columns for our 24/25 timetable. These were due in today (Friday) but please hand in on Monday if unable today. Discussions with Teachers, House Heads and of course Family members really help youngsters plan at these times.
Scholarship to China – Having applied at a National level, Niamh McCabe has successfully been granted the CISS Chinese Language Scholarship 24/25!
This means that Niamh will go to China in September next year to study Mandarin for a year at Tianjin Normal University. Pupils from 22 Mandarin Hubs across Scotland applied for the scholarship. We are very happy and proud that Niamh was successful!

Vaccination booster info – Relevant children were given an NHS Teenage Booster ( MenACWY) vaccination letter this week. These will be handed out to pupils in their tutor groups tomorrow. Completed forms are returned by the 15th of December and can be handed directly into our front office.
Hoping you have a great weekend from all at Leith Academy.