Another busy week with assessments in Technology, Music, Languages and other areas across the School as the internal work gets packaged and finalised for the SQA. We also had groups from our P7 / New S1 coming in to visit which was great to see in PE, Science and generally getting to know the building.
Key points;
Happy International Women’s Day – from all at Leith Academy. Our young people are preparing, presenting and delivering some key messages on sexism and misogamy across some of our classes in the future.
Be Prepared – Please see separate email from Mr Irving to support conversations at home around uniform and iPads.
SQA Results and Easter Revision – Our seniors should sign up to receive their results by text, the postal service will deliver results as normal but the text often comes in earlier in the morning of results day. Easter revision is filling up fast with a deadline today – please see emails from Ms Watson.
S3 Parents’ Eve – This was a positive and important evening as our Families take on board feedback from colleagues. Next step is to get the pathway forms completed and handed back into school.
Youth Parliament Success – We heard some fantastic news through the week, two of our political minds were standing for election within the Scottish Youth Parliament and they got voted in! Congratulations to both as they look to support their communities and young people.

Boxing success – Congratulations to Rory for winning gold medal and the ‘Golden Gloves’ award after competing Nationally in Boxing. The training, effort and commitment required is to be admired and we wish Rory well in his next steps in the sport.

Hoping you all have a good weekend from all at Leith Academy.