As we complete the last full week, we wish you all a Merry Christmas via our wonderful card design from Florence in S1!
Christmas Show – An outstanding range of performances and talent on display last Wednesday evening with over 300 attending. Well done to the creative team and support teams round this for pulling together. The performers and performances were exceptional!
House points! – Always a busy week this time of year for House points;
- Swim Gala – 1st Barton 2nd Cowan 3rd Port 4th Anderson
- Christmas card comp – Winning card was Cowan and there will be other points allocated!
- YPI – Great final as ever, The Men of Leith Men’s Shed for mental health won with points going to team members
- Updated overall points out next week!
Our YPI winning Team supporting Men’s Mental Health, well done to all involved.

100% Attendance Club – Great having this back with a large group of youngsters attending a reward session today from our House Head Team. Well done!
Christmas Door – Well done to all staff and youngsters involved, and to the winners in the Learning Hub / Nurture base. Superb photo below!

Final Day – On Tuesday all staff and pupils head to South Leith Parish Church for our Christmas Service. This is where Leith Academy was formed in 1560 so it presents a historic and important moment for the school community. Great having this back post covid. Our Service begins around 11.30am and we will dismiss youngsters from the Church around 12.15pm when the service ends.
We will provide a final update to Families on Tuesday. We hope you all have a nice weekend.