As we enter 2025 I hope you all had a restful break and are ready for the opportunities and successes that 2025 will bring our young people.

Some key points below to help a smooth return;

Uniform – Please ensure all youngsters arrive in Leith uniform tomorrow ready to learn, we try to keep this simple for Families to avoid having to ask young people to go home and change into items more appropriate;

-White shirt

-Leith tie

-Leith hoodie (available online) or plain black jumper

-Plain black trousers, skirt

-Black footwear

Winter weather – As we enter a period where winter weather may feature, please see below some basic steps to help you stay informed;

-Updates will be on our twitter / X feed @leithacademy

-Updates will be on our website (this site)

-Updates will be sent by text message or group call if possible / appropriate

-Updates will be on the Council website / Twitter feed if there is city wide impact / message to be shared

-School is always open unless you hear otherwise from one of the channels above. Please do not phone the office to ask if School is open as our Office / reception Team can get particularly busy as you would expect in a school with approx 1000 learners

S2 into S3 Parent info session – As our S2’s move into an important phase of choosing subjects / paths they wish to take into S3, there will a Parent info session this Thursday for S2 Parents in the Drama theatre starting at 6.30pm.

The next few weeks as we head towards the Feb break are particularly important for all year groups as we progress through course choice, application to jobs / apprenticeships / university / college and the national assessments across Scotland.

The Simple things done well – Doing the basics well as part of our ‘Way to Be’ policy will be extremely important;

Be Here – in classes, on time, every day, ready to learn

Be Calm – working through challenges, taking on feedback, taking on the role of young adults

Be Respectful – in our daily interactions with our staff, our friends, our peers and our our partners

Be Prepared – having our bags with equipment, ipad charged, PE kit and any other relevant items

Mobile phones – Our policy on mobiles is based on ‘right time right place’ and sits alongside the Scottish Govt policy. Mobile phones should not be out / visible / used in lessons unless it is directed by the Teacher as can sometimes be the case.

We look forward to seeing the youngsters of Leith at 8.30am sharp tomorrow.

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