Summer was hanging on to the early part of this week, though signs of Autumn are coming through.

Some key points;

Covid – please continue to bring a covering to school and to follow the guides that help keep us safe from the virus. Please find attached

-a letter from Lorna French, Head of Schools on the steps we should continue to take

-a letter to Parents from Public Health with similar messages

This week the 16/17yrs vaccination bus info is attached / below.

S1, 4 and 6 Photographs – Thursday 16th and Friday 17th September

The school photographers will be taking photos of S1, 4 and 6 pupils on Thursday and Friday next week.  You will then have the option to purchase them should you wish to.  We plan to take the photographs outside in the back playground like last session.

Please ensure that your child is in full school uniform for the photographs.

We are hoping to get all individual photographs completed on Thursday (if the weather is good) with the Prefect group photos being completed on the Friday if required.  If the weather does not hold up, we may move some of the individual photographs to the Friday morning.

If you would like a sibling group photo to be taken, please email with the subject ‘Sibling Photo Request’ and include the pupil names, year groups and classes so that we can arrange for this to happen.  Please ensure all requests are in by 3pm on Wednesday 15th September.

Eg Sibling Photo Request

Nicole Smith, S1, 1.4

Jacob Smith, S3, 3.6

After School Study – Our staff have put together a fantastic offer of support during lunch times and after school. Every additional hour of feedback, practice, learning can make a real difference to achieving outcomes. See the dates and times on our website here Supported Study Schedule – ( .

S1 Teambuilding – Well done to Mr Fox (House Head Anderson), our House Head Team and the great support across the School for what has been a really positive 2 days for our S1’s where they have worked together on different tasks and skills. Mention to the S6 leads who were a great support.

“….it’s the best day I’ve had here so far’ was the comment from one!

National Recognition – We were filmed and interviewed this week for the Scottish Learning Festival, this was due to our creative use of Click View technology to enhance our learning. Pupils get great enjoyment through their informative clips / videos and questioning which help engagement and link well with our work in using tech to enhance learning. Well done to all involved in the filming production.

S1 Lunch time – S1 should remain in the School grounds during lunch time. Mr Irving will write to Families next week with an update for after the September weekend holiday (next Monday Schools are closed).

Have a good weekend when it comes from all at Leith Academy.

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