Physical Education – S3 Elective


What does the course involve?

The S3 Elective course aims to provide pupils with a basic understanding of the 4 factors – MENTAL, EMOTIONAL, SOCIAL and PHYSICAL – which underpin the National and Higher courses.

Pupils who choose S3 Elective PE will also develop their practical ability in a variety of activities in order to help prepare them for the practical performance assessments in National.

What will be expected of me if I choose S3 Elective PE?

Pupils who choose Elective PE will be expected to complete both practical and theory work.


Pupils will participate in a variety of activities throughout the year in order to develop their overall practical ability and general knowledge of each sport. Pupils will also begin to understand how factors can impact their performance and the ways their performances can be developed.

Activities pupils will take part in are:

  • Football                       –    Basketball               –   Swimming
  • Badminton                  –    Softball


Throughout the year, pupils will work from the main S3 Elective Booklet (attached below) where they will be expected to complete written tasks both in class and at home.

They will also complete two ‘End of Unit’ written tests as well as a ‘Factors Impacting Performance (FIP) Assessment’ at the end of the year which will be completed either at a National 3 or National 4 level. This is the main Elective PE assessment.