Uniform at Leith

At Leith we try to keep our uniform simple and easy to understand / follow for Familes and young people.
Having a uniform is important for various reasons;
-It provides an identity for us to be proud of at Leith Academy, an identity which started in the year 1560 when the School was founded.
-It supports the safety and security of our building to ensure pupils who attend Leith Academy are wearing the correct uniform and we can identify those who are not.
-It supports the expectation of the world of work that we should all dress for work in appropriate manner.
Leith Academy Uniform
-A Leith Academy tie (tie is optional if the Leith hoodie is worn, but required for formal events / presentations and visits representing Leith Academy)
-A plain white shirt
-Plain smart black trousers or skirt (no tracksuits, blue jeans, leggings on their own or ripped items)
-A Plain black jumper, or Leith Academy hoodie (available Summer 2024 see order form below)
-Black footwear
-Prefects – Our Prefects apply for the position and are selected through an interview / presentation process. They should wear their uniform and blue Leith blazer daily, to show they are Prefects and to be identifiable to students and staff if support is required during the school day.
The Leith hoodie order form from our supplier is below;
We have items available to support if your child does not arrive in School Uniform;

If youngsters are not wearing uniform we will contact Families to support. For those young adults in S4,5,6 there may be a possibility they can go home to get changed then return to class as soon as possible to avoid missing learning. It is important we set high standards in the Senior School.
There is financial support available for Families who are entitled to this, the link to the Council website is here Free school meals, milk and school clothing grants – The City of Edinburgh Council .
Uniform is part of our ‘WAY TO BE’ at Leith Academy Be Here, Be Calm, Be Respectful and in this case, Be Prepared. By doing these simple things well, youngsters can focus on their learning and outcomes.

If you have any questions please speak with you child’s House Head or email us on Admin@leith.edin.sch.uk .