We hope you had a nice May Day holiday weekend, some key points to help are below;
Parents eve 22/23 – During the pandemic there were steps taken in many areas to cope / develop / evolve and many of these steps are now viewed as useful in keeping for the longer term. One of the areas impacted in this way has been Parents’ Evenings. Having spent 2years using a virtual / online method, it’s important to consider views as we plan for the next school year. We appreciate there will be different views from different people / perspectives, but the information will help. Click https://forms.office.com/r/C67Bmajw1s to complete by Friday 13th 12 midday, with thanks.
Stem Nation Award – We have been awarded the National Stem Nation Award for our awareness raising and work in STEM areas across the School. The only School in Edinburgh, so far, to achieve this. Well done to all involved and great for our youngsters to be exposed to the experiences this generates STEM Nation Award – STEM Nation (glowscotland.org.uk) .
Important SQA Update – MySQA – All S4-6 pupils have been advised to register for the MySQA service. The SQA have an updated webpage that explains the details here. If signed up to the service the learners will receive their paper certificate through the post but also their results via text and/or email so they are not waiting for the post arriving on Tuesday 9th August. The deadline to sign up and activate their account for this service is 5pm Wednesday July 2022.
Leith Academy Careers Bulletin – Attached is Leith specific advice and information linked to the world of work from our Skills Development Scotland partner and colleague Maya Stone.
Eve of Celebration – We are beginning to gather and pull together the data, information, achievements and stories that will feature in our first Evening of Celebration since June 2019. Keep eyes and email inboxes open for announcements over the coming weeks.
S1 Track 2 Report – Closes today re staff completion and will then be quality checked by our Head of Dept Team, ready to be sent directly to Parents shortly which will trigger some productive, positive discussions at home.
Have a great weekend from all at Leith Academy.