Head’s News 27 Oct 2023 - 27th Oct, 2023

As we return after the half term we’re straight into a busy week with many updates. See below main points to help; Show Racism The Red Card – In line with our values of Respect and Diversity, we have been raising awareness of the national program SRTRC across the School this week; -Items of red […]

Head’s News 13 Oct 2023 - 13th Oct, 2023

After an busy and successful first half term, we hope you have a restful break. Some updates for Families below; Inter House football – was a great event across S1-S6 with all players enjoying the event, demonstrating good skills and working together in teams (Leith Skills)! Cowan took the House points! Greenspace – There is […]

Head’s News 6 Oct 2023 - 6th Oct, 2023

A busy week with visits, activities and events linked to local and national priorities. Some key points below for Families; Girls and young people in Sport Week – Today we had some fantastic activities for all S1 and S2 learners where we shared the importance of being active and taking part in activity that keeps […]

Head’s News 29 Sept 2023 - 29th Sep, 2023

Industrial Action – The last few days were challenging for all involved and we were glad to see Schools full of young people again today. Thank you for the Family support where possible as our young adults worked through their learning. We’re all hopeful a deal is reached and we will keep all updated as […]

Head’s News 22 Sept 2023 - 22nd Sep, 2023

Industrial Action / Strike – As it stands at time of writing, the planned industrial action of support work colleagues will go ahead on Tues, Wed, Thurs next week. The School will be closed to all learners (the colleagues on strike support building, water, heating, fire alarm, locks / security, cleaning, catering for example). These […]

Head’s News 15 Sept 2023 - 15th Sep, 2023

As we complete the first section of the School year we hope our new arrivals are settling in and our experienced pupils are getting into good routines as they aim for success! Another busy week with some key updates below; S1’s Break and Lunch time – Over recent weeks we have observed our S1’s as […]

Head’s News 8 Sept 2023 - 8th Sep, 2023

A particularly busy week with our S1 Teambuilding Day our Sports Club Fayre and a visit from the SQA Chief Executive today on the work we do to support young people achieve their best outcomes! We also had trips and events through the week, see our Twitter / X feed @leaithacademy for updates and pictures. […]

Head’s News 1 Sept 2023 - 1st Sep, 2023

Some key points from this week as we enter September; Letter from the Council – Please see attached. Parent Council – We had a positive turn out at Parent Council this week where we covered a range of themes and exciting opportunities around the area of fundraising. If you would like to be part of […]

Head’s News 25 Aug 2023 - 25th Aug, 2023

It’s been a busy first week back with some great moments across the week and our new S1’s getting more familiar with their day to day work. As ever in busy Secondary Schools, there were some challenges and obstacles to overcome! It was positive to work with young people and their families to support as […]

Heads News 18 August 2023 - 18th Aug, 2023

Our first week complete, it was busy, quick and really positive to see all our youngsters back looking smart and ready for work, learning and success. Some key points for Families below; Head Pupils and Pupil Leadership Team – After a real life process of application, presentations and interviews we are delighted to share our […]