As we progress through November another busy week at Leith Academy with some key points below;
COP26 Final days – well done to Ms Thompson, the Art Team and all the fantastic entries for the T-Shirt competition. Some of the quality of design, messaging and concern that came through was inspiring.

S4,5,6 Assessment window / Prelim – details are emerging from Scot Govt linked to the use / or not of the games hall to help with the planning of our assessments over the next few weeks. Details will be coming to pupils / families shortly.
Scottish Qualification Authority – Please see a message from the SQA
Share your views with SQA
SQA has set up panels of key stakeholders so we can get ‘quick pictures’ of what different groups think about important issues. For this to work effectively, we need to get as many people to sign up as we possibly can. We would really appreciate it if you could help us to do that.
A pulse survey is a fast survey system intentionally designed to be carried out frequently to take a ‘pulse check’ on views on different topics.
We are also looking for learners in all types of centre to take part.
Parents and carers of school learners
Lastly, we are looking for parents and carers of S4-S6 school learners to take part in these surveys. SQA does not have a way of contacting parents directly.
Live N Learn – We had a positive session with all S4 this week on supporting their study, revision, planning, organisational skills as they progress through the Senior Phase. We are working on possible options for an opt in S5 session (as they missed last year in S4) early in the new year. We will keep all updated.

Anti-Bullying Week – Next week is the national week where we continue to raise awareness of how to challenge and support instances of bullying when they occur. The message this year is a preventative one, where ‘One Kind Word’ is encouraged. See poster below to support discussion at home.

P7 into S1 – We had a very positive meeting / info session with our new S1 2022 Parents on Thursday eve. We will look to download the session recording onto a link to share next week in case families missed this key information. This is the beginning of several events as we enter 2022 moving towards the 3day visit to Leith Academy in June.
We hope you have a good weekend.