Some key points for Families below;
SQA – Thanks for all the support to young adults through the assessments. Attendance has been excellent so far, though there is no denying the anxiety / nerves they feel as they care and want to do well, it’s important we all help to take the heat out of that for them in our discussions / support / calmness over the coming weeks. Results will come and we’ll make a plan.
2030 Net Zero Target – All Edinburgh Council Schools are enhancing their recycling protocols to support a greener, cyclical environment. See the Council letter to all Schools attached below.
Mental Health Awareness Week 2022 – Great work from Mrs Fair, Mrs Dewar, pupil leaders and the staff team in pulling this together linked to supporting loneliness. We all had an item of green and engaged in activities to promote talking to others. We shared this PowerPoint with youngsters today, feel free to discuss and echo supports as a Family;

S1 Reports – These will be emailed directly to Parents early next week by email. Families should use this to have a supportive discussion at home before the Parents eve. If you need to ask anything email us at and we’ll get you to the right person.
Visitor on last Wednesday – International Violinist, Grammy award winner and new Director of the Edinburgh International Festival, NICOLA BENEDETTI Nicola Benedetti came to a ‘secret’ visit at Leith Academy this week. Nicola spoke with staff and youngsters and we unveiled the formal plaque detailing the gift to the School from Sir Ian McKellen Sir Ian McKellen | Official Home Page | Acting | Activism which was especially exciting for those in the arts….
Quote…. ‘Thank you for a really great visit, Nicola was so impressed with the positive energy and enthusiasm at Leith. 😊’
Have a great weekend from all at Leith Academy.