A week with some positives as early news of steps regarding a vaccine emerge and a wonderful night for the country as the National Football Team qualify for next year. The expectation of 22yrs makes this significant, but compounding that is the fact we can now look forward to this event as a country in the Summer of 2021.
Some updates this week;
Thanks to Ms Watson, Rev May our School Chaplin and our S6 Prefect team for pulling together our Covid friendly video of our service. As ever it was a moving moment which you can view here https://clickv.ie/w/7IPo
Assessment Window December 2020
Ms Watson is finalising our plans for our assessment window which begins on Monday 30th Nov. This involve a set of assessments in class time which will help young people build a picture of their knowledge and learning so far. Details will be coming to S4,5,6 Pupils and Families soon.
Study Support
We have a wide range of support sessions on offer either virtually or in class (within Covid guidelines). Please see the sessions offered below and speak to your son / daughter if this would help their progress;

Parents’ Eve next week
Part 2 of our S4,5,6 Parents’ Eve is next week. Mr Stewart / School Office will keep you updated on the details you need at the Parent end. This remains a new system that many schools like us are using. As ever these are steps we continue to try and take to help provide Parents with some face to face feedback / updates on their child’s progress. We hope next week is a useful session.
Please contact Admin@Leith.edin.sch.uk if you need support making a booking(s).
Timetable survey 2021
Next week (w/c 16th Nov) Mr Stewart will be asking pupils what subjects they ‘think’ they would like to take next school year. This initial survey provides us with a guide as to what subjects we hope to offer in 21/22. The choices are not set in stone but more of what young people are feeling at present. The official course choice process then begins across the school in early 2021.
This year we will be doing this all online in line with Covid infection control. Start to have conversations at home around thoughts and plans. Our website page from last year is here https://leithacademy.uk/pupils/ and will be updated. Our subject guide can be found here https://leithacademy.uk/pupils/s5-6-handbook/ .
P7 Parent Info Evening
Despite Covid19 we are pressing on with exciting and essential business, none more so than meeting (virtually) our 2021 new S1 group and their Families. Positive meeting held and great to hear some of the plans we have for the coming months.
This is always a particularly busy time in Schools and we are working hard at trying to keep things progressing whilst maintaining the correct safety steps. The coverings, hand hygiene, 2m distance where possible, one way systems, spray/wipe downs are all steps we must keep taking.
Thank you for continuing to share the importance of these messages with the young people, especially our younger groups who can find it more challenging to understand the place this has in their world at present.
Have a good weekend.