Be Prepared – Uniform and iPad charge. Please see email from Mr Irving last week and thank you to those Families supporting their youngster within our expectations of dressing appropriately for School / Learning / Work.
HPV Vaccination forms – Please ensure these forms are returned by 22nd March for the upcoming HPV vaccine on Wednesday the 27th of March with our NHS colleagues. Any questions please email us on .
F1 In Schools – Our Formula 1 in Schools Team, Team Vortex, travelled back last night after competing in the National UK finals. They did themselves proud with a great result in one category of Best Portfolio. Already they’re planning next steps for the 24/25 challenge! Well done to all, we’re very proud of this achievement thanks to the staff and partners that support!

Inter House Rugby – A superb event this week across varied year groups as we prepare for Super Saturday in the 6 Nations this weekend. Well done to all who took part and thanks to Ms Innes / Gavin and others who helped pull it together.

Screen Time – Head Teachers were sent this update from the Council. It may be useful to read with your child in supporting the ‘right balance’ of screen time and off time. Our policy at School is on our website (click School Info). Phones should not be out / visible or in use unless the class are specifically told to do so by their teacher. See below;
To all School HT’s – We have been made aware of a campaign to remove SMART phones from children and schools may be aware of this.
Whilst we understand there can be concerns regarding the amount of screen time children have, we also appreciate there are many benefits from SMART phone use and would therefore ask you to reassure parents in line with your shared agreement with your parent council. The following link provides information you may find helpful to share with any parents.
Screen time for kids learn about the effects | Internet Matters
You may also find this report useful:
Digital-Childhood-Report-2023.pdf ( specifically this quote:
“The context in which a child accesses the digital environment can be as important as the content they encounter. The kind of activity a child engages in is as important as the time spent engaging. The nature of the interaction is as important as the purpose. These nuances have been recognised in recent years, with the focus of debate shifting from concerns over excessive ‘screen time’ to the nature of children’s digital engagement and the risks and opportunities.”
Hoping you have a good weekend as we enter the final 2 weeks before Easter.