Our first week back of the Summer term has been positive, busy and intense as final preparations are done prior to the National Assessments beginning next week. We also wished our S6 well as they had their final day of formal education before they return for their assessments.
S4,5,6 Assessments – The National assessment season kicks off across the country on Monday. Please see updates from Ms Watson to keep you up to speed. We spoke with all S4,5,6 at an assembly on Wednesday, the slides / info have been sent to all youngsters and their families to help discussions at home. Our youngsters are welcome in to speak with staff for final prep before an assessment during their normal period time, but they should email their Teacher in advance to check staff availability.
S6 Leaving Event – The S6 were a credit to themselves as they gathered for shirt signing, photos, selfies and speeches. This is not the end….but the beginning of the next chapter for them.

Published en Francais – Congratulations to Nina Barnett and Lovel Hearn for being published in the foreign language publication below. There are many contributions from across the City, we feature around page 9/10. Link is here
Seafield Development – See attached for information about our area and how you can contribute. We had engineers and planners in speaking to our young people about their thoughts and ideas.
Summer Sports – A superb offer below for the Summer term….all should get involved!
Easter Revision – Was a great success with more young people than ever taking advantage of this free offer from staff giving their time / expertise over the holiday…..as we know, every hour of high quality revision counts at this stage so we hope it pays off.
And finally….
Earlier in our School year we were very luck to have this piece of Art work donated to us by one of our Parents, Dave Edwardson, Father of Aleena Edwardson in S6. The piece was on exhibition for some time in Glasgow and when the exhibition came to a close Dave kindly donated it the school, for which we are most grateful as it holds a strong place in our staffroom.
See picture below with the lights turned on!

Can you spot themes of…
-Sunshine on Leith
-High rise flats
-Forth bridge
-Persevere the moto of Leith
-‘My heart was broken’ The Proclaimers
-All on top of a black map of Leith
Many thanks to Dave and the Family for this fantastic spectacle of the Mighty Leith.
Hoping you all have a good weekend.