Another busy week, some key points for this week;
Uniform – Can Parents please ensure our Leith uniform is worn to School each day, PE kit brought in a school bags. Appropriate additional layers can be worn if needed. Speak to your House Head if you need support.
We try to keep this simple for all……….White shirt / Leith tie / black trousers or skirt / black footwear.
Covid Test kits – Please continue to home test x2 per week and record the result. This helps to reduce transmission in busy places.
iPad launch – Thank you for the support with this, it has been a positive and successful roll out for S1-S6. Thank you to families for following the guidelines and providing the relevant permissions. We will be working with youngsters over the coming weeks as they discover the learning power the devices bring over their years at School and beyond.

Scottish Government – Health and Wellbeing Census 2022 – The Scottish Govt has required all schools to engage in collecting information to help support young people. Please see details below from Mrs Fair, Depute Head Teacher for Pupil Support;
Our census will take place w/b 31st January with all classes from S1-6. The census will be completed during PSE and House Heads will be there to facilitate and support. The letter attached has the option for you to opt out, but if you are happy for your child to take part, there is no further action required. A frequently asked questions sheet is also attached for any concerns you may have. If you have questions email us on and we will try to help.
Music assessments – Always a landmark moment in the Music calendar, well done to all staff for supporting and the young musicians for performing towards their goals and hopeful positive outcomes.
S2intoS3 Info session and Parents’ Eve – Well done to all in this week’s Parents’ eve which was our highest turn out since going online. These discussions are crucial as youngsters plan their path in our curriculum. Mr Stewart will send the link to the info session video held last Wed eve if people want to refer to this info to help discussions.
Parent Council meeting – We are meeting next week at our usual time of Thursday 7pm, Laura Brown our chair will send details early next week.
Have a great weekend from all at Leith Academy.