As we enter the final week of the 2021/22 School year, the business and intensity continues with this week having our School Show, Prefect interviews, Eve of Celebration and some S6 YPI charitable work! Some main points to keep you updated…..
-School Calendars 2022/23 – We work through a detailed plan of additions and changes through the month of June in order to establish our calendar. This contains key dates linked to local, council and national priorities. To help families we create a Parent Friendly Calendar which will available on our website after we close off the year next week.
-School Show – Home to Leith – Final show tonight of what has been a really successful home-grown creation. Well done to all involved and to Ms Hamill for the great leadership of the cast, the staff, the set, the refreshments and all throughout.
-Evening of Celebration – Our evening of celebration was a great event marking the return of this annual prizegiving. There’s never enough time in the evening to celebrate the many great things our youngsters do every day. Well done to those who received a nomination or an award across the wide spectrum of achievement.
SQA Results Day – As result day approaches early August, all S4,5,6 candidates should inform SQA of any address changes to ensure their certificate goes to the correct address. See infor from SQA website – If you have any questions, contact our Data Services team by emailing, or calling 0345 213 6612 (option 1).
Next week – School ends for the Summer on Friday at midday. We look forward to seeing youngsters for their final week of 21/22 over the coming days.
Sports Day – Our Sports Day last week was a great event to have back, watch the highlights video here
Summer School – Parents, see information linked to a Summer School aimed to support young people. Out of the Blue’s summer scheme called PALS(Play and Learn Stuff!) .
Duke of Edinburgh – We are taking steps to bring back this great offer / opportunity following the pandemic and members of staff moving on. See latest update below….
Calling all S3’s: Bronze Duke of Edinburgh is coming back to Leith Academy! This is a fantastic opportunity for you to take action and make a difference to the causes you care about, discover new passions and explore the great outdoors. If you would like to find out more information please express your interest by scanning the QR code and filling out the Form. Further information can be found here:

With the final week to go, we hope you have a nice weekend.