The final week of our 23/24 timetable is complete as we look forward to the new opportunities the 24/25 timetable brings our young Leithers. Some key points below to help;
SQA exams end – Well done to all our youngsters who have completed their national assessments. Our Team of invigilators were extremely complimentary of the mature and sensible way our young adults handled the event. We now wait and hope that they achieve the outcomes they hope and worked hard for. Thanks to all staff who contribute to making the exam diet go smoothly, it is a complex operation!
New Timetable – The 24/25 timetable begins on Monday with all pupils arriving sharp for an 8.30am start. We will guide the young people through their day with distribution of timetables first thing in the morning during Key Adult.
S6 Induction – As part of our new timetable. Our S6 induction will take place over the course of Tues/Wed, this involves a wide range of planned activities linked to team work, communication and problem solving skills – all vital for the coming year and beyond.
Uniform – As we enter the new year and following our regular reminders. All young people should arrive in Leith School uniform;
-White shirt, Leith tie
-Black trousers – NOT tracksuit
-Plain black jumper if needed
-Black footwear, this can be comfortable footwear
Senior phase pupils choosing to return to Leith Academy will be told to go home and quickly change if they are not dressed appropriately for learning at Leith in the Senior Phase. If you need support please email . Thank you to Parents for the ongoing joint work.
S3 Lovebites – Our S3 end of year production was last night and it was a great success as the youngsters set foot on stage with bright lights, camera, action! Well done to our Drama colleagues for supporting and for our families who came to watch in the audience.
P7 Magic Maths Morning – We had over 100 youngsters from P7 for our Maths morning where they engaged in activities and took a further step towards their S1 experience. Our S2 leaders were a great support and well done to Ms Gunston and the Team for pulling this together.
S3 Impact Challenge – From Ms Wilkinson and Ms Allan – Today concluded the S3 Impact Challenge with our pupils working with 4 universities across Scotland to learn more about the work they do and courses they offer (Napier, Edinburgh, QMU and Herriot Watt). The pupils visited Napier today for the final showcase and one of our groups won the star prize for their sustainable school model!
The pupils demonstrated fantastic behaviour and engagement with the showcase and were model pupils for the school. We were very proud of them.

Sporting success – Some great news for two of our young Footballers, see below.

Low emission zone – Just a reminder this kicks in over the weekend, so if you’re driving just double check your route!
Police Scotland – Please see a seasonal letter from Police Scotland to support open space use in the summer.
Summer program – See attached flyer if interested in the Arts.
Have a good weekend from all at Leith Academy.