With 5 working days to go until we enter the Feb half term, the work is busy as conversations with young people, families and partners all take place to support youngsters into their new paths for the following school year and provide feedback to help them improve their outcomes.
Thank you for the support at home with this.
Key points;
S4,5,6 Track 2 Reports – These are being finalised and will be emailed to Parents shortly. This should trigger supportive conversations between home / youngster and school as we enter the coming important weeks. We have a great range of revision / study sessions available, these should be used Supported Study Schedule – (leithacademy.uk) .
-Useful sites are Digital learning from Comhairle Nan Eilean Siar | e-Sgoil
-SQA past papers SQA – NQ – Past papers and marking instructions
SQA Scenario 2 – The SQA have envoked Scenario 2, this means for each exam there will be some support steps put in place for pupils. There is a range of supports available according to the particular subject, information should be checked to keep all informed, it can be found here SQA announces more support for learners taking National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher exams this year – SQA . Ms Watson and Teachers will keep youngsters posted through our usual channels.
Assessment window 2 – To help pupils and teachers build on knowledge learned, we begin assessment window 2 next week and the week after we return from the half term break. The assessments are all in class and are designed to help pupils gauge their progress and plan next steps. The window also allows staff to build up a picture in case there is further pandemic disruption (though this is not planned / expected).
S3, 4, 5 Course choice – Mr Stewart has sent out specific emails to Parents of each year group with important information to help quality discussions that support young people choosing their path for the 22/23 School year. This is an exciting and important time, so we want to get these choices right, where possible.
HPV Vaccinations – The NHS Lothian Community Vaccination Team will be delivering the HPV Vaccination Programme in schools from March to June 2022. The school session dates for Leith Academy are 9/10 May 2022.
We will be offering HPV vaccination to all S1 – S3 pupils, as well as catch up for girls in S4 to S6.
In accordance with Chief Medical Officer Policy, there is no catch up programme for boys who were not in S1 before the national programme commenced in 2020.
Consent Packs – have been delivered from last week. Please ensure that all forms are returned to the school by 11February. If a pupil has already received one dose of HPV vaccination, then they will not be issued with another consent form for further doses.”
Safer Internet Day – Our young people are more online than ever before, see a powerpoint we have been sharing with young people this week, it may be useful at home also, to share and discuss. See below.
LGBT+ History Month – February is LGBT+ History Month and we will be celebrating it across the school linked to one of our 4 values at Leith, DIVERSITY, led by our LGBT+ Group, SPECTRUM. It would be great to see as many of us as possible being part of this and there will be various ways to do so:
- Pass the Torch Relay – this will be a sponsored event later in the month, where we can choose to gain sponsorship from friends and family to run/walk/saunter/waddle to raise money for LGBT Youth Scotland. More info on this to follow.
- Purple Friday – Friday 25th February – Wear Purple to school to show your support for the LGBT+ Community and make a donation – or not – to LGBT Youth Scotland.
- And other activities across lessons / school to help educate us all
Women / Girls group – Some of our young women met with SLT to continue to raise awareness of appropriate relationships across all elements of society; school places, work places, everywhere. We will continue to support a position of mutual respect and look to educate those who need support. See below the posters up from Police Scotland which we have placed across the School. Discussions at home will prove useful and important to young adults.

Children’s Mental Health week – This is next week. We are bringing back our 5 A Day theme (stay connected, rest and relax, be active, be yourself, be kind) but the new Pupil Wellbeing group have thought of their own 5 A Day.
Our new Pupil Wellbeing Group will send a powerpoint to all staff each morning (Mon-Friday) introducing their new 5 A Day:-
Keep Learning – Take Notice – Be Active – Give – Connect
Mental Health support for Parents – If you are a parent or carer who cares for a child or young person with emotional wellbeing or mental health issues, we would be grateful if you could complete this survey to share your views. This survey is being carried out by a working group of professionals who wish to develop and increase the availability of mental health information sessions and courses for parents and carers.
Please follow the link below to complete the survey before the 17th Of February 2022.
Mental Health Sessions and Workshops Survey
If you wish any more information on the survey please contact Jillian Hart jillian.hart@edinburgh.gov.uk or Paulina Szach Paulina.szach@health-in-mind.org.uk
Netball! – Our netball club is going from strength to strength, to support that we have recently got some new strips. See the pictures below with a great action shot also! Thanks to our partner / supporter Utilita who worked with us on the strips.

Have a great weekend when it comes.