As we progress through another busy week where young people enjoy their learning and education in a busy thriving Secondary School, our thoughts are with those directly or indirectly impacted by the conflict in Eastern Europe.
Key points;
Covid – Edinburgh Council have written to all Parents outlining some of the positive changes we are now seeing linked to restrictions. As we know, Covid remains a challenge but there are definitely promising signs…..letter is below.
Parent notice linked to our International Research involvement – As you know we are involved in this study TEAMS: Teaching that Matters for Migrant Students: Understanding Levers of Integration in Scotland, Finland and Sweden | The University of Edinburgh . For the next phase of the study all S1-3 pupils will be involved UNLESS they opt out. This is to help maximise responses and improve findings. This link takes you to 2 forms, one is the Research Information and the other is Parental opt out form if needed,
Attendance Procedure – On Monday we begin the period by period contact to Families with S3 pupils. A Group call message will go out to families when a pupil has not registered in class in order to help us with safeguarding there whereabouts. Thank you to all our Families for their support with this important work around child safety.
Course choice for next year – Our latest information session was focussed on S3 into S4 and the Senior Phase, some great information, videos of presentations and documents are all available for Parents and Families on our website Pupil Choice Sheets / Info – ( .
International Women’s Day – Linked to our wider diversity and equalities work; we will celebrate this important event through next week with awareness raising activities.
Culture Day – We have our inaugural Culture Day next Friday with our Equalities Ambassadors pulling together plans to share and celebrate aspects of the many cultures and diversities we celebrate within our Leith community. Thank you to all Families and Friends who are contributing and we look forward to Friday.
Mental Health Counselling – We welcomed Nicola Sturgeon, First Minister to Leith in 2018 to launch the School Counselling program for all schools. Mrs Fair has planned and led a great program of support through all involved. The BBC were in this week to capture the impact on young people and emphasise the need and importance of this support for all. Well done to all involved.
Chinese New Year competition – Linked to our ongoing diversity and equalities work, we had some great events celebrating Chinese New Year through Wei and the Team. The quiz results are in and House points have been awarded! We also featured on the National magazine linked to Mandarin education.

The weather is to be very spring like on Saturday, enjoy being outside, from all at LA.