Following the First Minister’s announcements on Tuesday we are continuing to work on plans. There are many things to consider, first and foremost our priority is to make the return as safe as possible. We will keep in touch through next week with more details as they emerge.

Some key points below;

Phased return starting 15th March

Attached below is a letter from Andy Gray, Head of Schools on the phased return;

As we plan our phased return for an increased number of pupils, there are some key considerations which must be in place;

  • All pupils and staff S1-S6 are to wear face coverings at all times, when travelling and when in lessons to help keep transmission as low as possible
  • 2m distance is now to be in place for all, this clearly impacts the numbers of pupils we can have in a class and in the school
  • As per the announcement, there will be a priority on Senior pupils to help them prepare for their assessments that are upcoming after Easter
  • We are working hard on a plan that allows ‘all’ pupils S1-S6 to have ‘some time’ in school per week to help them familiarise and get ready for the return post Easter
  • We are working on plans that include ‘half days’ in school. This is to prevent gatherings during lunchtime which present extreme 2m distance challenges, details will follow on this
  • Our staff Teams will be returning to plan, deliver and prepare in school work, therefore our online provision will not look the same as we make this transition (as an example, for 1 class / 1 teacher…..we now need 3 rooms and 3 teachers for a class of 30 due to 2m distance – this has an impact)
  • Home Test kits for all S4,5,6 and Staff are to be completed, consent forms (which must be printed and completed) and a privacy notice is to be read. We will re-send this email to S4,5,6 Families next week. There are guidance notes attached in the pack. We will inform pupils of how / when to collect when they are in school

These are some of the main points we have to put in place, there are other details we are working on in order to have a plan for Staff, Pupils and Families next week. We will keep you updated through our website, twitter and class Teams.

Practical subjects essential learning S4,5,6

The plan for next week where small numbers of S4,5,6 need to be in to complete specialised coursework has been emailed to all S4,5,6 Families. It is also attached here to help;

School Term Dates

The Council regularly asks for views on planned school term dates over the next few years, please find the link and details to the survey below;

If possible, could you please circulate the link to:

  • parents/carers
  • pupils (e.g. through the pupil council or as you feel is appropriate)
  • staff

The survey is open from Monday 1 March to Thursday 1 April 2021.

S3 Parents Evening

Our S3 Parents’ Evening is on the 10th March next Wednesday. The booking email has been sent to parents last week. Our last few sessions online have improved each time we use the software which is encouraging. Please check the instructions issued in the email, if there are any questions please get in touch at and we will try to help.

S4/6 Tracking Reports

Having worked through an online solution to our reporting system, we are finalising our entries to the S4-6 Track 2 report. We will then begin to process this information and send the reports home by email. As ever, we hope the report provides some initial feedback which can trigger positive, supportive discussions where needed.

International Women’s Day – is on Monday there may be some room to angle this in to some of your messages in lessons online, link is here .

ELATE Edinburgh Magazine – attached

We (Leith Academy) are in this month’s celebratory magazine across Edinburgh which features the many great things that continue to happen despite the challenges we are in. Thanks to the RMPS Team and the youngsters involved. Copy is attached below. Well done!


Following on from the great work we did on awareness raising last week through our panel discussion, ‘pass the torch’ video and our HT Equalities / Advisory meeting (see last week’s link ) we wanted to continue this positive commitment to equalities. We always work hard to improve all equalities issues as best we can. Our School Plan sets out the actions we expect to achieve over this year and future years in this area. They include better ways of tackling racist incidents and reviewing our curriculum.  One of the most important actions for us is to continue to value pupil voice in this area.  Our Equalities pupil leaders (and all of us), will be leading this work.  They, and our staff Equalities Coordinator, Mr Stewart have already had positive meetings and discussions on how we can continue to make this a key part of our working Values.  If you are interested in getting more involved, a city-wide Staff Reference Group for Equalities has been formed and you would be very welcome to join.  Please contact to find out more.

Climate Hot Seat – 9th April 2021  – Time (tbc) 

The Climate Hot Seat is a youth-led climate hustings event in April 2021 organised by YouthLink Scotland, Children in Scotland, 2050 Climate Group, Teach the Future, Fridays for Future Scotland, and Scottish Youth Parliament.

It presents an opportunity for young people to directly hold party leaders to account on climate issues in advance of the Scottish Parliament elections in May 2021.

The Climate Hot Seat event will take place on Friday 9th April via video conferencing. It is open to young people aged 11 – 25. Further details are attached.

Young people can sign up to attend here.

Another busy week as we continue to take steps closer to recovery. Over the coming weeks there will be changes and developments, as we work together we will make good progress in a proportionate, safe and sustained way.

Have a good weekend from all at Leith Academy.

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