A busy week with visits, activities and events linked to local and national priorities. Some key points below for Families;
Girls and young people in Sport Week – Today we had some fantastic activities for all S1 and S2 learners where we shared the importance of being active and taking part in activity that keeps you well. This is a national awareness raising week to support Girls in Sport Actify but at Leith we included all young people to help encourage activity interests. Thank you to Ms Grant and all involved for planning and leading this event.
Family Engagement – Our Digital Learning Co-ord colleagues and some S6 helpers put on a great session with a targeted group of Families. This was aimed at helping them navigate iPads and some of the tech language we use in schools today to enhance learning. It was a very positive session with thanks to all who led it.

S4,5,6 Track 1 Reports – These reports are now with Families which should hopefully trigger some discussions between home and school. We are analysing the reports and will keep in touch with Families where we need to support. We held an S4 Assembly this morning to further support the run up to assessments, this is below to help with home conversations.
Attendance plays a vital role here, we are currently analysing Pupil attendance / lateness, particularly first thing in the morning during Key Adult time, period 1 and period 2.
Young Philanthropy Initiative – Mrs Steele and the team are gearing up for another successful year of this National program Home | YPI (ypiscotland.org.uk) . We have just received dates for our speed dating intro session, to help with your planning please note S3’s will be involved in a Speed Dating event with charities on 26th Oct. More to come after the holiday.
Have a great weekend as we enter the final week of the half term next week.