Despite some temperamental heating issues yesterday and today we were able to welcome youngsters back to Leith. We had engineers on site all day and Edinburgh Council provided portable heaters to help get us to a temperature we could work with. By around mid-morning the heating was fully repaired and coming through. We are advised the system is back to normal working order for the weekend and beyond into next week.
The pupils and staff showed great ‘perseverance’ and I thank pupils and families for helping get us through the unfortunate start to the year.
Key points;
The Covid / Isolation position has changed – Following updates from Nicola Sturgeon, First Minister we now have a different guidelines to apply when dealing with the pandemic, positive cases, close contacts and isolation periods. You will be aware of this through the media and national information stream, but some main points for Families are below to help;
- If you have the main symptoms, you should get a PCR test and isolate. This applies even where they have had a negative LFD
- -If you have a positive Lat Flow there is no need to book a PCR, simply isolate for 10 days from that point, and if day 6 and day 7 are Lat Flow negative you can come out of isolation
- Positive cases should isolate for 10 days (though they may end isolation if day 6 and day 7 Lat Flow tests are negative and 24hrs apart)
- Non-symptomatic contacts, including household contacts, needn’t isolate or get a PCR if fully vaccinated (2 doses and booster) or under 18yrs 4mths old. Instead, they should take 7 days of lateral flow tests and report results on Govt site – you should only isolate where a Lat Flow result is positive
- Non-symptomatic adult contacts who are unvaccinated or partially vaccinated must take a PCR and isolate for 10 days.
- This change applies only from today (6 Jan) onwards – it is not retrospective
An abundance of information for us all here I appreciate. If there are any questions ask or check online for information.
Lat Flow Tests – The tests are crucial, please take x2 per week and take further tests before you meet with people in community. We have a large stock of tests in school and these can simply be collected from the office.
Back to basics – before the holiday I issued an assembly with some basic guidance around our Way2Be policy which helps us create simple routines and fair expectations to do the simple things well. I hope there has been opportunity over the break to ensure uniform, equipment and any other needs for school are in place for Monday. If there are issues with Uniform please contact your child’s House Head or visit the Uniform Bank online, details below….

Edinburgh School Uniform Bank provides free new school uniform to children and young people who are referred by a professional who knows the family. This could be a teacher or support worker at school, a health visitor, a family support worker or social worker, a youth worker, a Maximise worker or someone similar. Please ask them to visit the website to find out how to refer.
The Uniform Bank also provides batches of excellent quality nearly-new school uniform to schools and community groups for them to pass on to local families. This could be through a swap shop, a sharing rail, a pop-up uniform event or something similar, depending on covid restrictions. Please ask your school, youth club or community group if they have a supply of nearly-new clothing or if they would like Edinburgh School Uniform Bank to support them with this.
As a registered charity, Edinburgh School Uniform Bank is independent from the Council and they rely on the support of local people and businesses. To find out how you can help by donating uniform or funds, volunteering or fundraising please visit
S2 into S3 Course Choice – We are moving into an important time for all pupils as they begin to select the path they wish to take for session 22/23. Getting the right courses / subjects / levels make a huge difference to the enjoyment, engagement and positive outcomes of young people. Mr Stewart will keep you updated with direct emails and info coming to S2 Parents, some key dates for diary;
-19th Jan Parent and Pupil information session on the course choice process. On Teams, link to come
-20th Jan Parent Evening where staff will speak with families to offer guidance and support. Parents book slots online. Details to come.
Prelim follow up – Following the mid-year assessment window 1, we should now be making the most of some really high-quality learning conversation with pupils, families and colleagues around feedback and next steps to help youngsters get to their goals. Details on window 2 will be coming. There will also be ongoing assessment to help all achieve / develop.
iPads 1to1 for all S1-S6 – An email went out to all families today about our very exciting Empowered Learning launch. Every pupil in Leith Academy will be issued with a school iPad during the week beginning the 17th January to help support their learning both in school at home. The information sent can be found here Empowered Learning – ( All families need to complete the online Form (details via the link) to sign up to the Home School Agreement and Responsible User Agreement.
Young Scot Free Travel to all under 22’s – We have been asked to share an update on this Govt plan early next week. There will be guides on how to apply for and access the free travel and encourage sustainable / green travel habits.
Have a good weekend from all at Leith Academy