After an extremely busy but productive term as we have moved further forward in how we live within the pandemic, it’s always a time of mixed emotions with assessments, course choice, leaving dates and next step plans whilst we turn our heads to the upcoming new courses, new P7’s and new timetable over the coming weeks when we return.
Some key points before we break for Easter;
Letter from the Council – See attached an update from Lorna French, Acting Heads of Schools.
Be Prepared – All youngsters / families are will hopefully be ready to return after Easter in full Leith Academy uniform as we move away from pandemic based restrictions. Leith TIES can be purchased at Max Yarns, Duke St Max Yarns Embroidery, Edinburgh | Embroidery Services – Yell.
If you need help please speak with your House Head or email .
Keeping Parents informed – To help support a shared message, parents/carers will receive a text message if your child is late to class. During the pandemic and in recent weeks, there have been a number of pupils who are arriving late to class, resulting in them learning and disrupting the learning of others.
We appreciate your support in discussing any late coming with your child to help them get to lessons on time. As ever, please be mindful of an appropriate response to our office staff, if you receive a notification.
SQA – We continue to submit work alongside the deadlines given to Schools by the SQA. Ms Watson gave a clear presentation to all S4,5,6 yesterday (Thurs) on assessment expectations across the country (this was shared with Families).
We have sent letters to all Families detailing the steps / protocols / exam leave plans after our return for S4,5,6 and for all leavers. We hope this helps in keeping all informed at this busy time.
Easter Revision –Thanks to staff being available, we have a great offer of support which almost 200 youngsters have signed up for. THIS IS NOW CLOSED as our registers and session class lists are now in place. We hope the sessions are useful.
Tues 26th April – All S6 have received an email linked to their final ‘coffee morning’ plans. This is a nice moment to reflect on the 6 years and say farewell, until the upcoming assessments and prom across May / June.
Mindcraft competition result – ‘We had a brilliant 2nd place win in the first ever Mindcraft Build Challenge – Edinburgh. We are super proud of Team Axolotl, Nora Cannon & Dawn Taylor-Dale both S1 Cowan, who won with their innovative ideas and clear explanation of their Sustainable build.’
Numerous schools throughout Edinburgh took part with multiple teams entered.
Picture below….
We’re a Festival Venue! – Grid Iron have announced their Festival Show, using Leith Academy as the venue for the performance as part of our residency with the Edinburgh International Festival. This will involve our young people working across the many aspects of the performance. See more info here Muster Station: Leith – Grid Iron Theatre Company .
Have a great break and we’ll see you for the Summer term return, hopefully looking and feeling a little less pandemic influenced.