The Christmas to February half term is always a busy and dark one! As we progress through it we see the days get longer and spring begins to show signs when we return. Our young Leithers have been working very hard across the many aspects of their learning, some key points below to keep you updated;
Assessment window 2 – Our Senior learners are working through a range of assessments from both a theory and practical perspective. This is an intense period for them and they are handling this well whilst engaging in 1to1 feedback with Teachers on what is going well and what they need to focus on. If you have subject or course questions email us at and we will direct your question to the right colleague.
Chinese New Year – At Leith Academy we are the Confucius Hub School for Edinburgh, we have great interest from youngsters to learn mandarin. Some of our learners led a Chinese New Year celebration over lunchtime this Thursday. Xiexie to Ms Wei Du and our pupil group!

S3 into Senior Phase information session for Parents – This is a key moment when youngsters in S3 begin to personalise their learning paths into the Senior phase. We have a session planned for Feb 29th for Parents, more details to follow post half term.
S3 Parents’ eve – Linked to above, we will be holding our S3 evening for Parents IN PERSON on the 7th March. Info re booking slots with Teachers will be issued to Families after the half term break.
Hoping you all have a nice break, we all return Feb 19th for an 8.30am start. Parents please ensure your child is in appropriate School uniform to support learning;
-Leith tie
-White shirt
-Black trousers / skirt
-Black jumper if required
-Black footwear
If you / Family need support, let us know and we will help.
Hoping you have a nice half term break from all at Leith Academy.