As we come to the end of the calendar year I want to congratulate and thank all of our young people and their families on the efforts and commitment throughout the term. Schools are busy, dynamic, energetic and emotional places…….but our values and belief in doing the right things for young people is what brings us together successfully as a community.
Have a nice, restful break with Family and Friends and we look forward to seeing you all in 2023!
Key points;
A letter from Lorna French, Head of Schools is attached. Note the arrangements for Leith are bespoke as young people will leave from the church when the service ends around 12.15pm. Lunches were provided to youngsters on FEM during the morning break.
House points total so far……the Business of Christmas quiz (thanks Deena) results came in today so total at present;
Cowan 190 points
Barton 190 points
Anderson 180 points
Port 160 points……..we still have the term 1 merits to add in January so do well and get points for your House!
S2 into S3 – When we return in January we move into pathway / course choice for many year groups. Information to help families in S2 can be found on our website here Pupil Choice Sheets / Info – ( .
All other year groups can view our S3,4,5,6 handbook here Course Info Handbooks S3,4,5,6 – ( .
Or speak with us via your House Head or email
Staff return for In Service training on Wed 4th Jan and youngsters arrive for School on Thursday 5th Jan for an 8.30am start in Leith Academy uniform. If you need any help with school dress / uniform please speak with your House Head or email us. We have clothing to help.

Have a nice break and we will see you all in the New Year.