Head’s News 19 Jan 2024 - 19th Jan, 2024

Some key updates below; S2 Parents’ Eve – A great turn out online and hopefully a useful session for our staff and families to talk over things that are going well and things to improve as we enter the S2 into S3 course choice process. Talking over things is really important, if you have questions […]

Head’s News 12 Dec 2024 - 12th Jan, 2024

A great first week back as we begin 2024 with our youngsters getting back into the routine of coming in to what is a busy term in schools. Some key points; S2 into S3 – We had a full house on Thurs evening as we delivered an information session for Parents on the S2 choice […]

Head’s News 22nd December 2023 - 22nd Dec, 2023

As we come to the end of term I want to take time to thank our Families for the combined support we give the young people of Leith on a daily basis. Our youngsters are a joy to work with and support every day at the Mighty Leith Academy!…..but supporting these outcomes involves us all […]

Head’s News 15 Dec 2023 - 15th Dec, 2023

A busy week with some great events on including Choir Singing at our local Care Home, Inter House Swim Gala and Inter House Table Tennis for House points. Our Advanced Highers Drama performance to Friends and Family and a Parental engagement session using 3D Printers and Laser Cutters! Next week coming is busy with many […]

Head’s News 8 Dec 2023 - 8th Dec, 2023

Another busy week and I give credit to all of our S4,5,6 youngsters sitting assessments. They have been a credit to themselves and I hope the feedback they now get with marks / next steps is useful as they plan for the New Year. Some key points: S1 Family Engagement Craft Fayre – This event […]

Head’s News 1 Dec 2023 - 1st Dec, 2023

As we enter December it is as ever an extremely busy time in Schools and in our own Family lives. Some updates below to help keep you informed; Term dates – We have the term dates from Council for 25/26 and for 26/27. We as Head Teachers feedback our thoughts to the authority to help […]

Head’s News 24 Nov 2023 - 24th Nov, 2023

Assessment window – This begins next week, thank you for the setting up from staff, the encouragement from home and to Ms Watson for leading us through this important phase. We wish all youngsters well, the assessments present an opportunity to sit the papers and take stock of what is going well and what needs […]

Head’s News 17 Nov 2023 - 17th Nov, 2023

Prelim assessment window 1 – Our prelim timetable has been issued to S4,5,6 and has been sent to Families to support along with the assembly presentation.  Any pupils with coincident prelims should speak to Miss Watson asap. Parents’ Eve S4,5,6 – We had a positive evening with a great turn out for our Cowan / […]

Head’s News 10 Nov 2023 - 10th Nov, 2023

A busy week and especially today with our service to remember those who have fallen in conflict then a fantastic guest speaker in the afternoon. Some updates below; Remembrance – We held our annual ceremony in memory of conflicts across the world. The service content and themes are co-created by our School Chaplin Rev May […]

Head’s News 3 Nov 2023 - 3rd Nov, 2023

As we enter November with Fireworks weekend, it was another busy week at Leith with updates below; Planned Industrial Action next Wednesday – As per previous communication / email sent to Families. S1-3 will switch to online learning activities from home, S4-6 will be in school with reduced support staffing in place, though risk assessed […]